Qualche esempio di aggiunta di campi personalizzati all'editor di categorie?
1 risposta
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- 2011-01-08
No. Devi usare
,perchénonpuoi crearenuovi campinellatabella wp_term_taxonomy (se lofai,nelprossimo aggiornamento WP liperderai).Quindi:
// the option name define('MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS', 'my_category_fields_option'); // your fields (the form) add_filter('edit_category_form', 'my_category_fields'); function my_category_fields($tag) { $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4-categoryTitle">Full Category Title</label></th> <td><input name="_ce4-categoryTitle" id="_ce4-categoryTitle" type="text" size="40" aria-required="false" value="<?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_title']; ?>" /> <p class="description">The title is optional but will be used in place of the name on the home page category index.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4_fullDescription">Full Category Text for Landing Page</label></th> <td><textarea style="height:70px; width:100%;margin-left:-5px;" name="_ce4_fullDescription" id="_ce4_fullDescription"><?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_description']; ?></textarea> <p class="description">This text will appear on the category landing page when viewing all articles in a category. The image, you supply above, if any, will be used here and this content will wrap around it.</p></td> </tr> </table> <?php } // when the form gets submitted, and the category gets updated (in your case the option will get updated with the values of your custom fields above add_filter('edited_terms', 'update_my_category_fields'); function update_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_title'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4-categoryTitle']); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_description'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4_fullDescription']); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; } // when a category is removed add_filter('deleted_term_taxonomy', 'remove_my_category_fields'); function remove_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); unset($tag_extra_fields[$term_id]); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; }
Potrebberoesserci degli hook relativi alla categoriapergli ultimi due,non li ho cercati. Ho appena adattatoil codice sopra da unmio vecchiotemain cui l'amministratorepuò allegare un'immagine a untermine ditassonomiapersonalizzato ...
No. You have to use
, because you can't create new fields in the wp_term_taxonomy table (If you do, in the next WP update you'll loose them).So:
// the option name define('MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS', 'my_category_fields_option'); // your fields (the form) add_filter('edit_category_form', 'my_category_fields'); function my_category_fields($tag) { $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4-categoryTitle">Full Category Title</label></th> <td><input name="_ce4-categoryTitle" id="_ce4-categoryTitle" type="text" size="40" aria-required="false" value="<?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_title']; ?>" /> <p class="description">The title is optional but will be used in place of the name on the home page category index.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4_fullDescription">Full Category Text for Landing Page</label></th> <td><textarea style="height:70px; width:100%;margin-left:-5px;" name="_ce4_fullDescription" id="_ce4_fullDescription"><?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_description']; ?></textarea> <p class="description">This text will appear on the category landing page when viewing all articles in a category. The image, you supply above, if any, will be used here and this content will wrap around it.</p></td> </tr> </table> <?php } // when the form gets submitted, and the category gets updated (in your case the option will get updated with the values of your custom fields above add_filter('edited_terms', 'update_my_category_fields'); function update_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_title'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4-categoryTitle']); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_description'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4_fullDescription']); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; } // when a category is removed add_filter('deleted_term_taxonomy', 'remove_my_category_fields'); function remove_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); unset($tag_extra_fields[$term_id]); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; }
There might be some category-related hooks for the last two, I didn't search for them. I just adapted the code above from a old theme of mine in which the admin can attach a image to a custom taxonomy term...
@AA: Grazie,funzionabenissimo!Come recupererestiil valore deltitolo quando visualizzi lapagina dell'archivio delle categorie?@AA: Thanks, this works great! How would you retrieve the value for the title when you are viewing the category archive page?
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- 2011-01-11
- Scott B
utilizzando "get_option (MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS)"using `get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS)`
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- 2011-01-11
- onetrickpony
Ho usato questo codicee funzionabenissimo.Ho scoperto cheil campo che voglio aggiungere vienemesso sottoilpulsante Aggiungi categoria.Conosci unmodopermostrarei nuovi campi soprailpulsante?Hoprovato a rimuovere latabella dal codicee ho lasciatotre tdmanon hafunzionatoI used this code and it works great. I found that the field I want to add gets put below the add category button. Do you know a way to get the new fields to show above the button? I tried removing the table from the code and just left the tr and td but that didn't work
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- 2012-09-25
- Jamie
sì,a quantopare WP hanuove azioni ora chepuoi usare.Principalmente `edit_category_form_fields`invece di`edit_category_form`.Vedi [edit_tags.php] (http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/wp-admin/edit-tags.php)yes, apparently WP has new actions now which you can use. Mainly `edit_category_form_fields` instead of `edit_category_form`. See [edit_tags.php](http://core.svn.wordpress.org/trunk/wp-admin/edit-tags.php)
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- 2012-09-25
- onetrickpony
Usa add_action (
. "_ Add_form_fields",my_action)perestendere l'editor delmodulo di categoria.cioè add_action ("store_add_form_fields",array ($this,'add_form_fields))in un contesto di oggettoperi tuoi hook di azionepersonalizzatiper untipo ditassonomia di' store '.La versione 3.X + di WordPresspreferisceilformato pergli action hook,il vecchio stile di "edit_category_form_fields"e altri sono contrassegnati come "legacy support"nel codice,il che significa chepotrebbero/andranno viaeventualmente.rif: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.4.2/wp-admin/edit-tags.php Use add_action(."_add_form_fields",my_action) to extend the category form editor. i.e. add_action("store_add_form_fields",array($this,'add_form_fields)) in an object context for your custom action hooks for a taxonomy type of 'store'. Version 3.X+ of WordPress prefers the format for action hooks, the older style of "edit_category_form_fields" and others are marked as "legacy support" in the code, which means they may/will eventually go away. ref: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.4.2/wp-admin/edit-tags.php - 0
- 2012-10-03
- Lance Cleveland
Penso diessere abbastanza vicino a rompere questo dado :)
Sto cercando di aggiungere una serie di campipersonalizzati all'editor di categorie. Dalmomento chenon ho a chefare conilmetapost,credo che scriveròi valori deimiei campi di categoriapersonalizzatinellatabella wp_term_taxonomypiuttosto chenellatabella wp_options. È corretto?
Se sono disponibiliesempi su comeeseguire questa operazione,condividere un collegamento o unaporzione di codice. Non sono sicuro di come acquisiree salvarei miei campi di categoriapersonalizzati.
Eccoilmio codice ...