Ricevo un messaggio 404 quando provo ad accedere a wpadmin
haiprovato a ripristinare lemodifiche che haifatto a wp-config?have you tried reverting the changes you did to wp-config?
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- 2012-05-18
- moraleida
Hoprovatoilmetodo di annullamentoe ilmetodo di Michaelma ottengo "Erroreinterno del server" :( Non hoeliminato alcunfile o cartellaI tried the undo method and Michael way but get "Internal Server Error" :( I did not delete any files or folders
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- 2012-05-18
- John Doe
ilmiofile .htacess ha questo aspetto # BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine On RewriteBase/ RewriteRule ^index \ .php $ - [L] RiscriviCond% {REQUEST_URI}! ^/(Wp-admin| wp-admin/.*)$ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -F RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D RewriteRule./index.php [L] # FINE WordPress my .htacess file looks like this # BEGIN WordPressRewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(wp-admin|wp-admin/.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] # END WordPress- 0
- 2012-05-18
- John Doe
3 risposta
- voti
- 2012-05-18
Elimina .htaccess
digita domain.com/wp-login.php
Dashboard -> Impostazioni -> Permalink -> Salva.(ricrea automaticamente dinuovoiltuo .htaccess).
Seilproblemapersiste.Prova a disabilitarei plugin.Abilitai plug-in 1per 1finchéilproblemanon si ripresenta.Questo restringeràilplugin difettoso.
Delete .htaccess
type in domain.com/wp-login.php
Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks -> Save. (just automatically recreates your .htaccess again).
If the problem persists. Try disabling plugins. Enable plugins 1 by 1 until the problem occurs again. That will narrow down the faulty plugin.
si è scoperto che ho cambiatoerroneamente l'autorizzazione della cartella su wp-admine wp-include 3,5 ore sprecate.it turned out i mistakenly change folder permission on wp-admin and wp-includes 3.5 hours wasted.
- 1
- 2012-05-18
- John Doe
- 2012-05-18
Se TUTTO haimodificatoi permessi di wp-config.php,cercanellatua cartella (oin unanuova cartella WP)
,creane una copiae inseriscinuovamente le linee di connessione al database.Quindi rinomina wp-configin
e la copia di wp-config-sampleinwp-config.php
e dovresti starebene.If ALL you did was to change wp-config.php permissions, look on your folder (or on a fresh WP folder) for
, make a copy of it, and fill in the database connection lines again.Then rename wp-config to
and the copy of wp-config-sample towp-config.php
and you should be fine. -
- 2017-06-08
Noneliminare .htaccesspoichépotrebbeincluderemodifiche di altriplug-in comei creatori di cache: copia almenoilfile .htaccess_bak
Non dovrebbeesserenecessarioeliminarlo.
vai sutuodominio.com/wp-login.phpe accedi.Dovrebbefunzionare.
Ora ricostruiscii permalink: Impostazioni -> Permalink -> Salva
Escie riprova contuodominio.com/wp-admin
Devofarlo ogni duemesi,Dio saperché
Don't delete .htaccess as it may include changes by other plugins like cache creators - at least copy it to .htaccess_bak
It should not be necessary to delete it.
go to yourdomain.com/wp-login.php and login. This should work.
Now rebuild the permalinks: Settings -> Permalinks -> Save
Log out and try again with yourdomain.com/wp-admin
I have to do this every second months, god knows why
Non riesco ad accedere a wp-admin dopo aver cambiatoi permessi della cartella wp-configper rafforzare lamia sicurezza.Il contenutoperil caricamento del sitotrova,non riesco ad accedere a wp-admin,tutto quello che ottengo è unmessaggio 404.