get_posts solo figli di certi genitori
3 risposta
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- 2011-11-22
Hai due opzioni:
Chiamaget_postspiù volte: unaper lepagineprincipali utilizzando
post__in => array(2,4)
e dueper lepaginefiglie di ognigenitore conpost_parent => 2
epost_parent => 4
e infine uniscituttii risultatiin un unico array. -
Scrivi direttamente latua query SQLe utilizza
.Consulta questo articolo per unesempio.Neltuo caso sarebbe qualcosa di simile al seguente codice (nontestato):$query_sql = " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'products' AND (ID IN (2,4) OR post_parent IN (2,4)) ORDER BY post_date DESC "; $query_result = $wpdb->get_results($query_sql, OBJECT);
You have two options:
Call get_posts multiple times: one for the parent pages using
post__in => array(2,4)
, and two for the child pages of each parent withpost_parent => 2
andpost_parent => 4
and finally merge all the results into a single array.Write directly your SQL query and use
. See this article for an example. In your case it would be something similar to the following (not tested) code:$query_sql = " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'products' AND (ID IN (2,4) OR post_parent IN (2,4)) ORDER BY post_date DESC "; $query_result = $wpdb->get_results($query_sql, OBJECT);
ilprimo ènegativo,perchénon so conteggioesatto di ID chepotrebberoesserci.Il secondomi sembrabuono.Ciproverò.the first on is bad, becouse I dont know exact count of Ids there might be. The second on seem good to me. Ill try.
- 0
- 2011-11-22
- jam
- 2011-11-22
$args = array('orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'products', 'include' => '2, 4'); // get the 2 and 4 posts $children = get_posts($args); // get the children of 2, and merge arrays $children = array_merge($children,get_posts(array('orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'products','post_parent'=>2))); // get the children of 4, and merge arrays $children = array_merge($children,get_posts(array('orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'products','post_parent'=>4))); foreach($children as $child){ // etc }
Anche se sarebbemoltopiùfacile/veloce sepotessitaggarliin unatassonomiapersonalizzata oidentificarliin qualche altromodoin modo chetu debba cercare solo una cosa,invece di 3 cose.
ades. se avessimo unatassonomiapersonalizzata "highlight_products"potremmofare:
$children = get_posts('post_type' => 'products', 'orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','highlighted_products' => 'example_page'); foreach($children as $child){ // etc }
Il che sarebbemoltopiùflessibile,meno soggetto aerrori (ID 2e 4potrebbero cambiare! Non codificare),ed èmoltopiù veloce dafare,senza SQLgrezzo o querymultiple. Pernonparlare delfatto che ora hai unabellainterfaccia utentefacile da usarenelback-endin cuitagghi unpost diprodottie apparenelpostogiusto
$args = array('orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'products', 'include' => '2, 4'); // get the 2 and 4 posts $children = get_posts($args); // get the children of 2, and merge arrays $children = array_merge($children,get_posts(array('orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'products','post_parent'=>2))); // get the children of 4, and merge arrays $children = array_merge($children,get_posts(array('orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','post_type' => 'products','post_parent'=>4))); foreach($children as $child){ // etc }
Although it would be much much easier/faster if you could tag them in a custom taxonomy or identify them some other way so that you were only needing to look for one thing, rather than 3 things.
e.g. if we had a custom taxonomy 'highlighted_products' we might do:
$children = get_posts('post_type' => 'products', 'orderby' => 'date','order' => 'DESC','highlighted_products' => 'example_page'); foreach($children as $child){ // etc }
Which would be far more flexible, less prone to errors ( ID 2 and 4 might change! Don't hardcode ), and it's a lot faster to do, no raw SQL or multiple queries. Not to mention that you now have a nice user friendly UI in the backend where you just tag a products post and it appears in the right place
- 2013-11-13
$children = get_posts('post_parent=SLUG_OF_PARENT_POST&post_status=publish'); foreach($children as $child) { echo '<br/>ID:'.$child->ID; }
puoi utilizzare altri attributi (adesempio
) ... se devi definirepost_type,aggiungi anche questo argomento:&post_type=POST_TYPE_NAME
$children = get_posts('post_parent=SLUG_OF_PARENT_POST&post_status=publish'); foreach($children as $child) { echo '<br/>ID:'.$child->ID; }
you can use other attributes (i.e.
)... if you need to define post_type, then add this argument too :&post_type=POST_TYPE_NAME
Hopostprincipali (tipo dipostpersonalizzato hierarch=true) con ID 1,2,3,4.
Ipostprincipali con ID 2e 4 hannopaginefiglie.
Devo recuperare soloi post 2e 4e tutte le loropaginefiglie.
Qualcosa di simile
Comepossomodificarloper restituirepaginefiglie degli IDinclusi?