Come posso correggere l'errore irreversibile di RevSlider nella dashboard dopo l'aggiornamento a PHP 7?
RevSlider,AFAICT,è unplugin specificoper Wordpress.Hoprovato,maperme è 404.RevSlider, AFAICT, is a plugin specific to Wordpress. I did try, but it 404s for me.
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- 2018-05-11
- Chapman Atwell
Questopotrebbenonessere appropriato qui,mami è statomolto utilepoiché questoerrore rendeva l'accesso all'amministratore completamenteirraggiungibile dopo un aggiornamento PHPe risolverlononera una questione di debug di quello cheera successo,ma solo di applicare l'hotfix dalla risposta accettata.This might not be appropriate here, but was most useful to me as this error made accessing the admin completely unreachable after a PHP upgrade, and fixing it was not a matter of debugging what happened but just applying the hotfix from the accepted answer.
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- 2018-12-21
- Antti Haapala
1 risposta
- voti
- 2017-03-15
Sono statoin grado di correggere l'errore correggendoilplug-in RevSlider sulmio server come documentato qui .
,ho cambiato la seguente riga (l. 21 dellamia versione) da:private static $arrMetaBoxes = ''; //option boxes that will be added to post
private static $arrMetaBoxes = array(); //option boxes that will be added to post
I was able to fix the error by hotfixing the RevSlider plugin on my server as documented here.
, I changed the following line (l. 21 of my version) from:private static $arrMetaBoxes = ''; //option boxes that will be added to post
private static $arrMetaBoxes = array(); //option boxes that will be added to post
Puoi usare "[]"invece di "array ()".You can use `[]` instead of `array()`.
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- 2017-03-15
- fuxia
Hafunzionatoperme nel 2018!Worked for me in 2018!
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- 2018-09-19
- eyal_katz
Ottimo lavoro!Ho appena aggiornato aphp 7.2 sulmio servere questo è stato utile!Great job! Just upgraded to php 7.2 on my server and this came in handy!
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- 2018-12-22
- Spencer Bigum
Ciaograzieper questa risposta!Nelmio caso,stavo usandoilmodello wordpress di churchHopee ricevevo unerrore su/churchope/lib/revslider/inc_php/framework/base_admin.class.php:72 - risolto questoproblemamodificando $ arrMetaBoxes="";a $ arrMetaBoxes staticiprivati=array ();Hi thanks for this answer! In my case, I was using the churchHope wordpress template, and was getting an error on /churchope/lib/revslider/inc_php/framework/base_admin.class.php:72 - fixed this by changing private static $arrMetaBoxes = ""; to private static $arrMetaBoxes = array();
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- 2019-04-11
- Paul Preibisch
Ti devo unabirra.+1e per la spiegazione,in php7 hai restrizionipiù strette suitipi,quindi una stringa vuotanonpuò avere qualcosa aggiunto adessamentre latratta come un array.Comemenzionato da @fuxia,`[]`funzionabene anche quied èpiù Pythonish.I owe you a beer. +1 and for the explanation, in php7 you have tighter restrictions on types so an empty string cannot have something appended to it while treating it like an array. As @fuxia mentioned `[]` also works here well and is more Pythonish.
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- 2019-05-23
- Ligemer
nelmio caso revsliderera sotto:my_url/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/frameworkin my case revslider was under: my_url/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/framework
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- 2019-08-06
- Alessandro Mattiuzzi
Nov 2019funziona !!!Nov 2019 it works!!!
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- 2019-11-14
- Daniel Mauricio Sánchez Ávila
Abbiamo riscontrato questoerrore oggi durante lamigrazione a PHP 7.3e questo hotfix hafunzionatoperfettamente.Comemenzionato da @AlessandroMattiuzzi,ilpercorso sembraessere cambiatonelle ultime versioni delplugin.We encountered this error today when migrating to PHP 7.3 and this hotfix worked perfectly. As @AlessandroMattiuzzi mentioned, the path appears to have changed in recent versions of the plugin.
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- 2020-03-24
- bwright
Posso accedere al latopubblico del sito. Ma la dashboard viene visualizzata vuota.
Il registromostra unerrore chepunta alplugin RevSlider:
Ecco latraccia completa: