Ottieni il genitore di primo livello di un termine di tassonomia personalizzata
7 risposta
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- 2011-08-05
Grazie a Ivayloper questo codice,basato sulla risposta di Bainternet.
Laprimafunzione di seguito,
,accetta unterminee unatassonomiae restituisceilgenitore diprimo livello deltermine (oiltermine stesso,se è senzagenitori); la secondafunzione (get_top_parents
)funzionanel cicloe,data unatassonomia,restituisce unelenco HTML deigenitori diprimo livello deitermini di unpost.// Determine the top-most parent of a term function get_term_top_most_parent( $term, $taxonomy ) { // Start from the current term $parent = get_term( $term, $taxonomy ); // Climb up the hierarchy until we reach a term with parent = '0' while ( $parent->parent != '0' ) { $term_id = $parent->parent; $parent = get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy); } return $parent; }
Una volta che hai lafunzione sopra,puoi scorrerei risultati restituiti da
e visualizzareilgenitoreprincipale di ognitermine:function get_top_parents( $taxonomy ) { // get terms for current post $terms = wp_get_object_terms( get_the_ID(), $taxonomy ); $top_parent_terms = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { //get top level parent $top_parent = get_term_top_most_parent( $term, $taxonomy ); //check if you have it in your array to only add it once if ( !in_array( $top_parent, $top_parent_terms ) ) { $top_parent_terms[] = $top_parent; } } // build output (the HTML is up to you) $output = '<ul>'; foreach ( $top_parent_terms as $term ) { //Add every term $output .= '<li><a href="'. get_term_link( $term ) . '">' . $term->name . '</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; }
Thanks to Ivaylo for this code, which was based on Bainternet's answer.
The first function below,
, accepts a term and taxonomy and returns the the term's top-level parent (or the term itself, if it's parentless); the second function (get_top_parents
) works in the loop, and, given a taxonomy, returns an HTML list of the top-level parents of a post's terms.// Determine the top-most parent of a term function get_term_top_most_parent( $term, $taxonomy ) { // Start from the current term $parent = get_term( $term, $taxonomy ); // Climb up the hierarchy until we reach a term with parent = '0' while ( $parent->parent != '0' ) { $term_id = $parent->parent; $parent = get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy); } return $parent; }
Once you have the function above, you can loop over the results returned by
and display each term's top parent:function get_top_parents( $taxonomy ) { // get terms for current post $terms = wp_get_object_terms( get_the_ID(), $taxonomy ); $top_parent_terms = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { //get top level parent $top_parent = get_term_top_most_parent( $term, $taxonomy ); //check if you have it in your array to only add it once if ( !in_array( $top_parent, $top_parent_terms ) ) { $top_parent_terms[] = $top_parent; } } // build output (the HTML is up to you) $output = '<ul>'; foreach ( $top_parent_terms as $term ) { //Add every term $output .= '<li><a href="'. get_term_link( $term ) . '">' . $term->name . '</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; return $output; }
Mipiacerebbe vedere unamodifica chenon stampi soloi termini diprimo livelloma,piuttosto,tuttii termini al di sotto delgenitorepiùin alto,gerarchicamente.I'd love to see a modification that wouldn't just print out the top-level terms but, rather, all terms beneath the top-most parent, hierarchically.
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- 2018-12-22
- Robert Andrews
@RobertAndrews Se hai solobisogno deifigli di un singolotermine,puoi usare `get_term_children ($term,$taxonomy)` ([documentazione] ( Se si desidera otteneretuttii figli delgenitore diprimo livello di un datotermine,èpossibilepassareil risultato sopra riportato,in questomodo: `get_term_children (get_term_top_most_parent ($term,$taxonomy),$taxonomy)`.@RobertAndrews If you just need the children of a single term, you can use WordPress's built-in `get_term_children( $term, $taxonomy )` ([documentation]( If you wanted to to get all children of a given term's top-level parent, you could pass the above result into it, like this: `get_term_children( get_term_top_most_parent( $term, $taxonomy ), $taxonomy )`.
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- 2019-01-04
- supertrue
Qual è $termin questo caso,ades.l'oggetto,ilnome deltermine,ilprefissotaxonomyname_number?Intuttii casi,questometodo èestremamente lungo da caricare.Ho aspettato che lapagina si caricasse da diversiminuti.What is $term in this case, ie. the object, the name of the term, the prefixed taxonomyname_number? In all cases, this method is extremely long to load. I've been waiting for the page to load for several minutes now.
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- 2019-01-04
- Robert Andrews
Come originariamente scritto,si aspettava un ID,ma homodificato la rispostaper consentire untermine ID o oggetto WP_Term. Non sei [l'unico] ( rq=1) segnala unproblema con questo codice -idealmente dovrebbeessere riscrittoper usare lafunzioneincorporata di WP `get_ancestors`,cheeranuovae nonben documentata quando la risposta è stata scritta.Pubblicherò unanuova risposta quando avròiltempo diprovare.As originally written it expected an ID, but I edited the answer to allow a term ID or WP_Term object. You're [not the only one]( reporting an issue with this code—ideally it should be rewritten to use WP's built-in `get_ancestors` function, which was new and not well documented when the answer was written. I will post a new answer when I've had time to test.
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- 2019-01-05
- supertrue
- 2013-06-17
Dalla 3.1.0,è disponibile
.Restituisce un array di antenati dalpiùbasso alpiù altonellagerarchia.Since 3.1.0,
is available. It returns an array of ancestors from lowest to highest in the hierarchy.-
Questa è la risposta corretta secondome.This is the correct answer in my opinion.
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- 2015-07-05
- numediaweb
Questa è lamigliore risposta.This is the best answer.
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- 2015-07-22
- Mark
- 2011-08-03
Ecco una semplicefunzione cheti daràilprimoterminepiùgenitore di un datotermine:
function get_term_top_most_parent( $term_id, $taxonomy ) { $parent = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, $taxonomy ); while ( $parent->parent != 0 ){ $parent = get_term_by( 'id', $parent->parent, $taxonomy ); } return $parent; }
Una volta ottenuta questafunzione,puoi semplicemente scorrerei risultati restituiti da
:$terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'taxonomy' ); $top_parent_terms = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { //Get top level parent $top_parent = get_term_top_most_parent( $term->ID, 'taxomony' ); //Check if you have it in your array to only add it once if ( !in_array( $top_parent->ID, $top_parent_terms ) ) { $top_parent_terms[] = $top_parent; } }
Here is a simple function that will get you the top most parent term of any given term:
function get_term_top_most_parent( $term_id, $taxonomy ) { $parent = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, $taxonomy ); while ( $parent->parent != 0 ){ $parent = get_term_by( 'id', $parent->parent, $taxonomy ); } return $parent; }
Once you have this function you can just loop over the results returned by
:$terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, 'taxonomy' ); $top_parent_terms = array(); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { //Get top level parent $top_parent = get_term_top_most_parent( $term->ID, 'taxomony' ); //Check if you have it in your array to only add it once if ( !in_array( $top_parent->ID, $top_parent_terms ) ) { $top_parent_terms[] = $top_parent; } }
Grazie!Lo stoprovando adesso.Cordiali saluti,penso cheti manchi unaparentesi strettanella riga 1 dellafunzione.Thanks! I'm trying this now. FYI I think you're missing a close paren in line 1 of the function.
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
devo aggiungere $taxonomy come secondoparametroin $top_parent?do I need to add $taxonomy as a second parameter in $top_parent?
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
Ho aggiuntoilparametro $taxonomyma ricevo unerrore quando utilizzo questo codice,qui: added the $taxonomy parameter but am getting an error when I use this code, here:
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
si lofai.ho aggiornato la risposta.yeah you do. i updated the answer.
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- 2011-08-03
- Bainternet
Con quello risolto,saiperchéil codice qui ( that fixed, do you know why the code here ( wouldn't be working?
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
latuafunzione sembrainterrottai tuoi loopforeach si sovrappongonoprova questo: e se ricevi ancora unerrore,incollatuttoil codicee io controlleròyour function seems broken your foreach loops are overlapping try this: and if you still get an error paste all of you code and i'll check
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- 2011-08-03
- Bainternet
Dà ancora lo stessoerrore;seprint_r ($top_parent_terms),ottengo un array vuoto,quindiforseilproblema èeffettivamente con laprimafunzione?Lamia versione qui - still gives the same error; if I print_r($top_parent_terms), I get an empty array, so maybe the problem is actually with the first function? My version here -
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
OK,pensa cheilproblema sia con `get_the_ID` chefunzionanel ciclo quindiprova questo: think the problem is with `get_the_ID` which works in the loop so try this:
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- 2011-08-03
- Bainternet
@Bainternet cipermette di [continuare questa discussionein chat] ( let us [continue this discussion in chat](
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
@ Bainternet-hapostato automaticamente quelmessaggio di chat?Per quanto riguarda $poste post-> IDglobale,lo sto usandonei cicli WP_Query quindiget_the_ID dovrebbefunzionare.@Bainternet-it automatically posted that chat message? Re global $post and post->ID, I am using this within WP_Query loops so get_the_ID should be working.
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- 2011-08-03
- supertrue
No,lo stai usandoin unafunzione chiamata dal loop,funziona?No you are using it in a function called by the loop, does it work?
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- 2011-08-03
- Bainternet
- 2013-10-18
/** * Ottienitermine diprimo livello */ funzioneget_top_level_term ($term,$taxonomy) { if ($term- >parent==0) restituisce $term; $parent=get_term ($term- >parent,$taxonomy); returnget_top_level_term ($parent,$taxonomy); } /** * Get top level term */ function get_top_level_term($term,$taxonomy){ if($term->parent==0) return $term; $parent = get_term( $term->parent,$taxonomy); return get_top_level_term( $parent , $taxonomy ); }
Siprega di aggiungere una spiegazioneinsieme al codice.Please add an explanation along with your code.
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- 2013-10-18
- s_ha_dum
- 2014-10-30
Ho avuto lo stessoproblemae l'ho risoltofacilmente. Controlla questo:
. Puòessere lo slug dellatassonomia di cui vuoi ottenerei dati. Dopo averlofatto,puoi semplicementefarlo:<?php $postterms = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy); // get post terms $parentId = $postterms[0]->parent; // get parent term ID $parentObj = get_term_by('id', $parentId, $taxonomy); // get parent object ?>
Ora hai qualcosa delgenere:
object(stdClass)#98 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(3) ["name"]=> string(8) "Esportes" ["slug"]=> string(8) "esportes" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(3) ["taxonomy"]=> string(17) "noticiaseditorias" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(4) ["object_id"]=> int(123) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
Epuoi usare
per ottenere slug,nome,id,qualunque cosa. Semplicemente utilizzando$parentObj->slug
comeesempio.I had the same problem and I solved easily. Check this out:
. It can be the slug of the taxonomy you want to get the data. After doing this, you can simply do this:<?php $postterms = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy); // get post terms $parentId = $postterms[0]->parent; // get parent term ID $parentObj = get_term_by('id', $parentId, $taxonomy); // get parent object ?>
Now you got something like this:
object(stdClass)#98 (11) { ["term_id"]=> int(3) ["name"]=> string(8) "Esportes" ["slug"]=> string(8) "esportes" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(3) ["taxonomy"]=> string(17) "noticiaseditorias" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(4) ["object_id"]=> int(123) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" }
And you can use
to get slug, name, id, whatever. Just by using$parentObj->slug
as exemple. -
- 2016-01-29
Ilmodopiù semplice:
$rootId = end( get_ancestors( $term_id, 'my_taxonomy' ) ); $root = get_term( $rootId, 'my_taxonomy' ); echo $root->name;
Easiest way:
$rootId = end( get_ancestors( $term_id, 'my_taxonomy' ) ); $root = get_term( $rootId, 'my_taxonomy' ); echo $root->name;
- 2015-12-11
Forse questo aiuta:
get_ancestors( $object_id, $object_type );
Maybe this helps:
get_ancestors( $object_id, $object_type );
Comeposso ottenereilgenitore diprimo livello di un datotermine?
Sto utilizzando
per ottenerei termini dellatassonomia suipost,mainvece dimostraretuttii termini contrassegnati,desideromostrare soloi genitori diprimo livello deitermini contrassegnati.Quindi,se questi sonoi termini selezionati,desidero visualizzare solo Colazione,pranzoe cena.