Attivare un plugin tramite PHPMyAdmin o FTP?
probabilmente sarà utileper dire alproprietario delplugin che è successo.* Forse *ilpluginnecessita di unpo 'di lavoroprobably be useful to tell the plugin owner that this happened. *Maybe* the plugin needs a bit of work
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- 2015-08-27
- Mat Benfield
4 risposta
- voti
- 2015-08-26
Ho risoltoilproblemapassandotramite PHPMyAdmin allatabella "Opzioni"e quindi alla riga
.Avevomemorizzato quanto segue (formattatoper la leggibilità):
a:10:{ i:0;s:49:"1and1-wordpress-wizard/1and1-wordpress-wizard.php"; i:1;s:29:"acf-repeater/acf-repeater.php"; i:2;s:30:"advanced-custom-fields/acf.php"; i:3;s:45:"limit-login-attempts/limit-login-attempts.php"; i:4;s:27:"redirection/redirection.php"; i:6;s:33:"w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php"; i:7;s:41:"wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php"; i:8;s:24:"wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php"; i:9;s:34:"wpml-string-translation/plugin.php"; i:10;s:38:"wpml-translation-management/plugin.php"; }
Ho aggiunto unanuova riga (perilplug-inmancante)e hoincrementato
perindicare che ora ci sono 11elementinell'array:a:11:{ i:0;s:49:"1and1-wordpress-wizard/1and1-wordpress-wizard.php"; i:1;s:29:"acf-repeater/acf-repeater.php"; i:2;s:30:"advanced-custom-fields/acf.php"; i:3;s:45:"limit-login-attempts/limit-login-attempts.php"; i:4;s:27:"redirection/redirection.php"; i:5;s:40:"sitepress-multilingual-cms/sitepress.php"; i:6;s:33:"w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php"; i:7;s:41:"wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php"; i:8;s:24:"wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php"; i:9;s:34:"wpml-string-translation/plugin.php"; i:10;s:38:"wpml-translation-management/plugin.php"; }
sembraessereilnumero dell'elementoe,grazie al commento di JHoffmann,sembra ches:
sia la lunghezza della stringa che segue.Il sito orafunziona comeprima!
I fixed this by going through PHPMyAdmin to the table "Options" and then the row
.I had the following stored there (formatted for readability):
a:10:{ i:0;s:49:"1and1-wordpress-wizard/1and1-wordpress-wizard.php"; i:1;s:29:"acf-repeater/acf-repeater.php"; i:2;s:30:"advanced-custom-fields/acf.php"; i:3;s:45:"limit-login-attempts/limit-login-attempts.php"; i:4;s:27:"redirection/redirection.php"; i:6;s:33:"w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php"; i:7;s:41:"wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php"; i:8;s:24:"wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php"; i:9;s:34:"wpml-string-translation/plugin.php"; i:10;s:38:"wpml-translation-management/plugin.php"; }
I added a new line (for the missing plugin) and incremented the
to indicate that there are now 11 items in the array:a:11:{ i:0;s:49:"1and1-wordpress-wizard/1and1-wordpress-wizard.php"; i:1;s:29:"acf-repeater/acf-repeater.php"; i:2;s:30:"advanced-custom-fields/acf.php"; i:3;s:45:"limit-login-attempts/limit-login-attempts.php"; i:4;s:27:"redirection/redirection.php"; i:5;s:40:"sitepress-multilingual-cms/sitepress.php"; i:6;s:33:"w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php"; i:7;s:41:"wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php"; i:8;s:24:"wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php"; i:9;s:34:"wpml-string-translation/plugin.php"; i:10;s:38:"wpml-translation-management/plugin.php"; }
appears to be item number, and thanks to JHoffmann's comment, it appearss:
is the length of the string that follows.The site now works as before!
La "s" staper stringae ilnumero che segue è la lunghezza della stringa.The `s` stands for string and the number following is the length of the string.
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- 2015-08-26
- JHoffmann
@ JHoffmann Grazieper questo!Aggiornata lamia risposta.Puoi dirmi dove l'haiimparato?C'è unabuona risorsa da qualcheparte che spiega queste cose?Grazie.@JHoffmann Thanks for that! Updated my answer. Can you tell me where you learned that? Is there a good resource anywhere that explains such things? Thanks.
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- 2015-08-26
- Django Reinhardt
"i"in realtà significa valoreintero,"s" significa stringae ilnumero accanto a "s" è la lunghezza della stringa`i` actually means integer value, `s` means string and the number next to `s` is the lenght of the string
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- 2015-08-27
- Pieter Goosen
@PieterGoosen Stessa domandaperte: dove l'haiimparato?C'è una risorsa da qualcheparte?@PieterGoosen Same question for you: Where did you learn that? Is there a resource anywhere?
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- 2015-08-27
- Django Reinhardt
Questi sono dati serializzati.Non ho unafonteesatta,mapuoiesaminarei dati serializzati.Puoi ancheguardare JSONpoiché èpiù dove vengono utilizzatii dati serializzatiThat is serialized data. I don't have an exact source, but you can look into serialized data. You can also look at JSON as this is more where serialized data is used
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- 2015-08-27
- Pieter Goosen
@DjangoReinhardt Come ha detto Pieter Goosen,questi sono dati serializzatipoiché sonogenerati dallafunzione [serialize] ( diphp.In wordpress c'è anche unafunzione wrapper chiamata [forse_serialize] ( As Pieter Goosen said this is serialized data as it is generated by php's [serialize]( function. In wordpress there is also a wrapper function called [maybe_serialize](
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- 2015-08-27
- JHoffmann
Vorrei che standardizzasseroilnome delfile delplugin che dichiarailplugin stesso.Sto lavorando alla scrittura di uno script che scaricherà,installeràe attiverà automaticamentei plugin.Questo èilmiopezzomancante!I wish they standardized the plugin filename that declares the plugin itself. Im working on writing a script that will automatically download, install and activate the plugins. This is my missing piece!
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- 2016-05-06
- cpcdev
L'aggiornamento di quel valore direttamentenellatabella del database ha causato la disabilitazione dituttii mieiplugin.Dopo averlofatto,devo abilitarenuovamentetuttii plugintramite l'interfaccia di amministrazione di Wordpress.Mi chiedo cosa causi la disabilitazione deiplugin dopo l'aggiornamento del valore dell'opzione "active_plugins".Updating that value straight into database table has caused all my plugins to be disabled. After doing that, I need to enable all the plugins again through Wordpress admin interface. I wonder what causes the plugins to be disabled after the 'active_plugins' option value is updated.
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- 2018-09-26
- Marcos Buarque
- 2016-07-16
//Using this code you can activate your plugin from the functions.php function activate_plugin_via_php() { $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); array_push($active_plugins, 'unyson/unyson.php'); /* Here just replace unyson plugin directory and plugin file*/ update_option( 'active_plugins', $active_plugins ); } add_action( 'init', 'activate_plugin_via_php' );
//Using this code you can activate your plugin from the functions.php function activate_plugin_via_php() { $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); array_push($active_plugins, 'unyson/unyson.php'); /* Here just replace unyson plugin directory and plugin file*/ update_option( 'active_plugins', $active_plugins ); } add_action( 'init', 'activate_plugin_via_php' );
Se desideri attivarepiù di unplugin,ripeti semplicemente ...If you would like to activate more than one plugin then just repeat...
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- 2016-07-16
- Anil Jadhav
array_push ($ active_plugins,'unyson/unyson.php');array_push($active_plugins, 'unyson/unyson.php');
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- 2016-07-16
- Anil Jadhav
potresti anche aggiungere unif (!in_array ('unyson/unyson.php',$ active_plugins))per assicurarti chenon sia aggiuntopiù di una voltayou could also add an if(!in_array('unyson/unyson.php',$active_plugins)) to make sure it's not added more than once
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- 2018-05-28
- Pierre
Dovepossotrovare `functions.php`?Ènella cartella deltema oin `wp-includes`?Where can I find `functions.php`? Is it in the theme folder or in `wp-includes`?
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- 2020-05-11
- Wesley Gonçalves
- 2015-08-26
Puoi semplicemente rinominare la cartella delplugin,adesempio:
per disattivarlo epoi dinuovo a"aksimet"
per attivarlo dinuovo (seera attivo)puoifarlo contutte le cartelle "plugins"insieme.
Altrimenti,vai su MySQLe dai un'occhiata a questo manualepassopasso,in breve:
- cerca la voce
(entrambii passaggipossonoessereeseguiti daSELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins';
) - e poi scriviiltuoplugin lì come vengono scrittigli altriplugin (
èper la lunghezza della stringa).
Spero che aiuti
You can simply rename the plugin folder, for example:
to deactive it and than back to"aksimet"
to activate it again (if was active)you can do that with all "plugins" folder together.
Otherwise, go to MySQL and have a look at this step by step manual, in short:
- search for
entry (both steps can be done bySELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'active_plugins';
) - and than write your plugin there as the other plugins are written (
is index,s
is for the length of string).
Hope it helps
Grazie.Hoprovato a disattivaree ho scoperto cheil codice delplugin ètroppo radicatoin tuttoil sito.Hobisogno di unmodoper riattivarlo :(Thanks. I tried deactivating and it turns out the code for the plugin is far too ingrained across the entire site. I need a way to reactivate it :(
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- 2015-08-26
- Django Reinhardt
Che cosa vuoi dire con questo?Per la riattivazione rinominalo semplicementeindietro.Hai qualcheerrore ogiù di lì?What do you mean by that? For reactivation simply rename it back. Do you have any errors or so?
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- 2015-08-26
Ilplugin è stato disattivatotramite l'interfaccia di amministrazione di WP.Una volta disattivato,non hopiùpotuto accedere almio sito.Non c'eranulla da "rinominare"in quantonon l'ho disattivato rinominandolotramite FTP.The plugin was deactivated through the WP Admin interface. Once it was deactivated I could no longer access my site. There was nothing to "rename" as I didn't deactivate it by renaming it over FTP.
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- 2015-08-26
- Django Reinhardt
Ho aggiornato lamia risposta,ma è decisamente strano.Qualepluginera?Forsepuoitornare a venticinque (rinominareiltuotema) attivarloe controllare cosa è andato stortoe poitornare altuotema.I've updated my answer, but that definitely weird. Which plugin it was? Maybe you can switch back to twentyfifteen (renaming your theme) activate it and check what went wrong and than going back to your theme.
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- 2015-08-27
- 2016-06-01
Solo un'altra rispostaper un approccio diverso chepotrebbe avvantaggiare qualcun altroin futuro. Puoi anche spostare la cartella delpluginnella cartella Must Use (cheprobabilmente dovrai creare senon usataprima. Questopercorso è solitamente:
Ipluginin questa cartella verranno sempreeseguiti.Fare riferimento a quanto seguepermaggioriinformazioni:
Nota: l'unica cosa da considerare è che questiplug-in vengono caricatiprima degli altrinella cartella deiplug-in. Fare riferimento anche alle avvertenzenel collegamentoprecedentepoichépotrebberoesserci altriproblemi chepotrebberoimpedireil correttofunzionamento delplug-in.
Just another answer for a different approach that could benefit someone else in the future. You could also move the plugin folder to the Must Use folder (which you will probably need to create if not used before. This path is usually:
Plugins in this folder will always run. Refer to the following for more info:
Note: The only thing to consider is that these plugins are loaded before others in the plugins folder. Also refer to the caveats in the above link as there may be other issues that could prevent your plugin working correctly.
Mi ha salvato la vita su un sito web di 5 anni creato da un altro sviluppatoree cheinstallava ** 2plugin dipendenti l'uno dall'altro **e su cuiio **ne ho disattivato accidentalmente uno **.It saved my life on a 5 year old website created by another developer and which installed **2 plugins dependent on each other** and on which I **accidentaly disabled one of them**.
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- 2020-07-03
- Meloman
Haha -felice di sapere che hafunzionatoperte!:)Haha - glad to hear it worked for you! :)
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- 2020-07-03
- TomC
Ho appena disabilitato unplugin sulmio sitoe orami sta dando latemuta schermatabianca dellamorte.So cheil sito andràbene se riattivoilplug-in.
Esiste unmodoper attivaremanualmente unplug-intramite PHPMyAdmin otramite FTP?