Disabilita le emoji introdotte con WP 4.2
Ero così scioccato che sono quasi crollato sulla sedia quando ho letto l'annuncioI was so shocked I almost collapsed in my chair when I read the announcement
- 39
- 2015-04-27
- Tom J Nowell
o_O ... 9_9 ...>: - [(] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons)o_O ... 9_9 ... >:-[(](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emoticons)
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- 2016-10-10
- cjbj
@cjbj,dongersftw!͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °@cjbj, dongers ftw! ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
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- 2020-08-28
- Synetech
7 risposta
- voti
- 2015-04-27
Ci collegheremo a
e rimuoveremo le azioni come segue:function disable_wp_emojicons() { // all actions related to emojis remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 ); remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); remove_filter( 'wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email' ); remove_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji' ); remove_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji' ); // filter to remove TinyMCE emojis add_filter( 'tiny_mce_plugins', 'disable_emojicons_tinymce' ); } add_action( 'init', 'disable_wp_emojicons' );
Avremobisogno della seguentefunzione difiltroper disabilitare leemojicons di TinyMCE:
function disable_emojicons_tinymce( $plugins ) { if ( is_array( $plugins ) ) { return array_diff( $plugins, array( 'wpemoji' ) ); } else { return array(); } }
Ora respiriamoe fingiamo che questafunzionalitànon siamai stata aggiunta al core ...in particolarementretonnellate dibug risolti sono ancora daimplementare.
È disponibile comeplug-in, Disabilitaemoji .
In alternativa,puoi sostituire lefaccine con le versioni originali delle versioniprecedenti di WordPress utilizzando le Faccine classiche .
Possiamo anche rimuovereilprefetch DNS restituendofalse sulfiltro
(grazie @yobddigi):add_filter( 'emoji_svg_url', '__return_false' );
We will hook into
and remove actions as followed:function disable_wp_emojicons() { // all actions related to emojis remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 ); remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' ); remove_filter( 'wp_mail', 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email' ); remove_filter( 'the_content_feed', 'wp_staticize_emoji' ); remove_filter( 'comment_text_rss', 'wp_staticize_emoji' ); // filter to remove TinyMCE emojis add_filter( 'tiny_mce_plugins', 'disable_emojicons_tinymce' ); } add_action( 'init', 'disable_wp_emojicons' );
We will need the following filter function to disable TinyMCE emojicons:
function disable_emojicons_tinymce( $plugins ) { if ( is_array( $plugins ) ) { return array_diff( $plugins, array( 'wpemoji' ) ); } else { return array(); } }
Now we breathe and pretend this feature was never added to core... particularly while tons of resolved bugs are yet to be implemented.
This is available as a plugin, Disable Emojis.
Alternatively, you can replace the smilies with the original versions from previous versions of WordPress using Classic Smilies.
We can also remove the DNS prefetch by returning false on filter
(thanks @yobddigi):add_filter( 'emoji_svg_url', '__return_false' );
Grazie!Non sono sicuro delmotivoper cuinonpermettessero allepersone di abilitarlo/disabilitarlotramite "Impostazioni -> Scrittura",ma è decisamentefastidioso.+1Thanks! I'm not sure why they didn't just allow people to enable / disable this via `Settings -> Writing` but it's definitely annoying. +1
- 25
- 2015-04-27
- Howdy_McGee
Attendo con ansiailtuoplug-in "Disabilitaemoji"nel repo oin GitHub ;-)Look forward to your "Disable emojicons" plugin in the repo or github ;-)
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- 2015-04-27
- birgire
E ricordati diincludere un linknellatua risposta dovepossiamo scaricareilplugin ;-)And remember to include a link in your answer where we can download the plugin ;-)
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- 2015-04-27
- Pieter Goosen
cene sonogià unpaio (di cui questa è una copia) https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-smilies/ https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-emojis/there's a couple of them already ( which this is a copy ) https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-smilies/ https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-emojis/
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- 2015-04-28
- pcarvalho
Grazieper la risposta!Nonposso credere che questofacciaparte delnucleo,almenonon con un "opt-in" o unmodoper disabilitarlo ~ _ ~Thanks for the answer! I can't believe this is part of core, at least not with an "opt-in" or a way to disable it ~_~
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- 2015-04-29
- phatskat
Ed è scioccante vedere che aggiungono 114 righe di scripte stilinell'intestazione chenon sononemmenominimizzati.Grazieperilplugin ...And its shocking to see that they add 114 lines worth scripts and styles in the header that are not even minified. Thanks for the plugin...
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- 2015-07-22
- Debajyoti Das
forse considera di aggiungere anche questo: `add_filter ('emoji_svg_url','__return_false');` questo rimuoveil dnsprefetchmaybe consider adding this one as well: `add_filter( 'emoji_svg_url', '__return_false' );` this removes the dns prefetch
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- 2016-09-13
- yobddigi
@yobddigi Moltobello,l'ho aggiornato di conseguenza!@yobddigi Very nice, I have updated it accordingly!
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- 2016-09-13
- Christine Cooper
WP ci sta colpendo duramente - dalmomento che 4.3 "l'opzioneper disabilitaregli smileygrafici è stata rimossa dallenuoveinstallazioni"e nessuno "smiley" *non * "emoji" ... Ora devi a) `add_filter ('option_use_smilies',funzione() {returnfalse;}); `ob) usa questoplugin (chefa ESATTAMENTE lo stesso): https://wordpress.org/plugins/keep-emoticons-as-text/Mi chiedo davvero chi sia andato a dirlose stesso "Sì,consente dimodificarei contenuti dell'utentetramite PHP,senzafare domande ..." ...WP is hitting us hard - since 4.3 "the option to disable graphic smileys was removed from new installs" and no "smileys" are *not* "emojis" ... You now have to a) `add_filter( 'option_use_smilies', function(){ return false; } );` or b) use this plugin (which does EXACTLY the same) : https://wordpress.org/plugins/keep-emoticons-as-text/ I really do wonder who went and told him/herself "Yea, lets just alter user's content through PHP, no questions asked... " ... -_-
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- 2017-04-12
- jave.web
- 2015-04-28
Soluzionemigliore se vuoi disabilitare questo: usa unplugin.
Stesso codice dei commenti di Christine: https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-emojis/
Lo stesso codice che corregge anche lefaccinein modo che siano lepiù vecchie: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-smilies/
Fonte:io,da quando ho scritto quel codicein primo luogo. https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/1142480/classic-smilies
Better solution if you want to disable this: use a plugin.
Same code as from Christine's comments: https://wordpress.org/plugins/disable-emojis/
Same code that also fixes the smilies to be the older ones: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-smilies/
Source: Me, since I wrote that code in the first place. https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/1142480/classic-smilies
Bello!Anche semi sonoimbattutonellefunzionitramite una voce GitHub.Ho aggiornato lamia risposta con questi collegamenti aplugin.Grazie!Nice! Although I came across the functions via a github entry. I've updated my answer with these plugin links. Thanks!
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- 2015-04-29
- Christine Cooper
Sì,probabilmente l'haifatto.L'homesso anche su GitHubper un utente Twitter: https://gist.github.com/Otto42/b79ff5428993fcff45bbYep, you probably did. I put it on github too for a twitter user: https://gist.github.com/Otto42/b79ff5428993fcff45bb
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- 2015-04-29
- Otto
- 2015-06-24
Questo èilmodo sempliceper rimuovere leemoji.Aggiungiil seguente codice altuo
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 ); remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
This is the simple way to remove emoji. Add bellow code to your
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7 ); remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
Questo ègià statotrattatonellamia domanda sopra.This was already covered in my question above.
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- 2015-07-22
- Christine Cooper
Grazie,questo rimuovebene il codice - stranamente lemie pagineimpiegano da 2 a 3 secondiin piùper caricarsi con questonelmiofunctions.php che senza.Thanks this removes the code nicely - oddly my pages take 2 to 3 seconds longer to load with this in my functions.php than without it.
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- 2017-07-21
- Steve
Questo dovrebbeessereeseguitotramite "init".Vedi lamia [risposta] (https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/185578/24875).This should run via `init`. See my [answer](https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/185578/24875).
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- 2017-08-19
- Christine Cooper
- 2017-06-13
Se vuoiimpedire a Wordpress di convertire automaticamente letuefaccine ASCII della vecchia scuolain emoji Unicode (come da
aremove_filter ('the_content','convert_smilies')
(Non sono sicuro al 100% su questo argomento,ma questo ha risoltoilmioproblemae spero chepossaessere utileper qualcuno.)
If you want to prevent Wordpress from automatically converting your old school ASCII smilies to Unicode emojis (like
to) in your posts altogether, you might want to
remove_filter('the_content', 'convert_smilies')
(Not 100% sure this is what the question's about, but this solved my problem and I hope it might be handy for someone.)
- 2016-10-07
Buonenotizie,ho aggiunto una richiesta difunzionalità:
<" Introduci unanuova opzionein WordPress WP_EMOICONS qui https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/38252
e apparentemente questo è stato contrassegnato come duplicato https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32102 quindipotremmo aspettarci qualcosa di simile
define( 'WP_EMOICONS', false );
nellefuture versioni di WordPress.
Good news, I added a feature request:
Introduce a new option to WordPress WP_EMOICONS in here https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/38252
and apparently this has been marked as duplicate https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32102 so we may expect something like
define( 'WP_EMOICONS', false );
in the future WordPress releases.
Sembra cheilticket [# 32102] (https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32102) sia chiuso con * wontfix *.+1per averprovatoedessere ottimista ;-)It looks like ticket [#32102](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/32102) is closed with *wontfix*. +1 for trying and beeing optimistic ;-)
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- 2016-10-07
- birgire
ps:per quanto ho capito,iltuoticket # 38252 è stato chiusoperchéera un duplicato delticket # 32102,cheera statoprecedentemente chiuso come wontfix.Quindi sembra chei plugin dovranno risolvere questoproblema,peri giorni a venire ;-) Quindi votaloperché sei così ottimista ;-)ps: as far as I understand it, your ticket #38252 was closed because it was a duplicate to ticket #32102, that was previously closed as a wontfix. So it looks like plugins will have to sort this out, for days to come ;-) Hence voting it up for you being so optimistic ;-)
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- 2016-10-07
- birgire
- 2017-07-10
Hoprovato alcuni codici sopra,ma l'unico codice chefunziona dapartemia è questo.
Non dimenticare dieseguireilbackup deltuofunctions.phpprima diimplementare questi codici.
// REMOVE WP EMOJI remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7); remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles'); remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
I've tried some codes above but the only codes works on my end is this one.
Don't forget to back-up your functions.php before implementing these codes.
// REMOVE WP EMOJI remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7); remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles'); remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts', 'print_emoji_detection_script' ); remove_action( 'admin_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
Haitestato correttamenteil codicenellamia risposta?Did you properly test the code in my answer?
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- 2017-07-10
- Christine Cooper
sì,l'hoprovatomolte volte,il sito è sul server cloudflare-nginxyes I've tried it many times, site is on cloudflare-nginx server
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- 2017-07-10
- johnhenrygaspay
Ho appena ricontrollatoilmio codicee funziona.Quando aggiungiil codiceneltuofilefunctions.php,prova aimpostare unaprioritàpiù alta,come questa: `add_action ('init','disable_wp_emojicons',3);`Just double checked my code and it is working. When you add the code into your functions.php file, try setting a higher priority, like this: `add_action( 'init', 'disable_wp_emojicons', 3 );`
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- 2017-07-10
- Christine Cooper
- 2016-11-15
Poiché leemoji di WordPress vengonopubblicate da s.w.orge non sono compresse,ciòinfluisce sultempo di caricamento SVG a seconda delnumero diemoji che stai utilizzandoe puòpersinogenerare avvisi sullo strumento PageSpeed Insights di Google.
Per risolvere questoproblema,puoipubblicare leemoji direttamente daltuo sito WordPress stessoe noneffettuando chiamateesternetramitejs.
Questopuòessere ottenutoinstallandoilplug-in Emoji compresso ,disponibilegratuitamenteinil repository deiplugin di WordPress.org.
Quandoilplug-in è attivato,la compressione offre risparminellagamma di 3 kb ~ 1,3 kb (circa% 60)peremoji.
Fonte: WPTavern
Since WordPress emoji are served from s.w.org and they are not compressed, this impacts the SVG loading time depending on how many emoji you are using, and can even throw warnings on Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.
To fix this issue, you can serve the emoji directly from your WordPress site itself and not by making external calls through js.
This can be achieved by installing the plugin Compressed Emoji which is available for free in the WordPress.org plugin repository.
When the plugin is activated, the compression offers savings in the range of 3kb ~ 1.3kb (roughly %60) per emoji.
Source: WPTavern
Quindi WP 4.2 haintrodottoemoji (smiley) chefondamentalmente aggiungono JSe altra spazzaturain tutte letuepagine.Qualcosa che alcunepersonepotrebberotrovare scioccante.Come si cancellano completamentetutte leistanze di questo?