WordPress wp-admin https redirect loop
7 risposta
- voti
- 2015-02-25
Hai aggiunto
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
altuo wp-config.php ?Dovresti anche utilizzareilplug-in WP Migrate DB pereseguire lamigrazione da
You've added
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
to your wp-config.php?You should also use the WP Migrate DB plugin to migrate from
Ti darei 1000 votipositiviper questo!I would give you a 1000 upvotes for this!
- 10
- 2016-01-17
- Sheharyar
Per qualche ragione,questopassaggiofondamentale spessonon èincluso.For some reason, this vital step is so often not included.
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- 2016-01-27
- Tania Rascia
Grazie!Questoprobabilmentemi ha risparmiato qualche orain piùper cercare di capireperché l'area di amministrazionenonfunzionava con SSL.Thank you! That probably saved me a few more hours of trying to figure out why the admin area wasn't working with SSL.
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- 2016-02-20
- Sledge Hammer
èfantastico,l'unicoproblema è - come siinstallailplugin seil sito webnonfunziona :) So che dovresti semprefareilbackupprima difare cose delgenere,ma comunque.La soluzione di seguito hafunzionatoperme :)that's great,the only problem is - how do you install plugin if the web-site is not working :) I know you always should backup before doing stuff like this, but still. The solution below worked for me :)
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- 2016-09-22
- Timur Gafforov
Wow! $ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]="on";mi ha salvato!wow! $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; saved me!
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- 2017-02-03
- PJunior
Perchéfunziona?Hogià utilizzato lo strumento S&R di Interconnect.Dovreigià avereilprotocollogiustonel database.Why does this work? I already used Interconnect's S&R tool. I should already have the right protocol in the database.
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- 2017-02-15
- Jeff
l'istruzione `if`nei documentinon hafunzionatoperme,quindiimposto sempre` $ _SERVER ['HTTPS']='on'; `the `if` statement in the docs didn't work for me, so am just always setting `$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';`
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- 2017-04-13
- lewis
Dopo aver aggiunto "$ _SERVER ['HTTPS']='on';` a wp-config.php,ricevoilmessaggio "Spiacenti,non sei autorizzato ad accedere a questapagina"nellapagina "/wp-admin"maioaccesso come amministratore.Uso SSLflessibile di Cloudflarein modo cheiltraffico HTTPS vengainviato allaporta HTTP.After adding `$_SERVER['HTTPS']='on';` to wp-config.php, I get the message `Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.` on `/wp-admin` page but I logged in as an admin. I use Cloudflare flexible SSL so HTTPS traffic is sent to HTTP port.
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- 2017-12-21
- baptx
Dobbiamo aggiungere `if strpos ($ _ SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'],'https')!==false) {$ _SERVER ['HTTPS']='on';} `prima di` require_once (ABSPATH. 'wp-settings.php'); `come detto qui: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/250240/setting-serverhttps-on-prevents-access-to-wp-admin # comment414886_250254 https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/262194/cannot-login-to-wordpress-admin-with-ssl-terminated-load-balancer/263461#263461We have to add `if strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false) { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; }` before `require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');` like said here: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/250240/setting-serverhttps-on-prevents-access-to-wp-admin#comment414886_250254 https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/262194/cannot-login-to-wordpress-admin-with-ssl-terminated-load-balancer/263461#263461
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- 2017-12-21
- baptx
Mi dispiace aggiungere ancora un altro * $ _ SERVER ['HTTPS']='on'; *mi ha salvato un commento,ma haeffettivamente risoltotuttii problemi di reindirizzamento ancheperme.Hoprovato ognimodifica dinginx.confnel libroinsieme a remove_filter ('template_redirect','redirect_canonical');che hafunzionatoma soloper la homepage.$ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]="on" ha risoltoimmediatamentetutto.Grazie!!!!Sorry to add yet another *$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';* saved me comment, but it did indeed fix all redirect issues for me as well. I tried every nginx.conf change in the book along with remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical'); which worked but only for the homepage. The $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on' immediately fixed everything. Thank you!!!!
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- 2018-03-15
- Daniel
Grazieper questo.Hafunzionato dopo 2 ore ditentativi di altre correzioni.Thank you for this. This worked after 2 hours of trying other fixes.
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- 2018-03-31
- hypern00b
+10000,sbattevo latesta contro unmuro chiedendomiperché SSL avesse rotto lamia area di amministrazionee lapagina webincludesse URL+10000, was banging my head against a wall wondering why SSL broke my admin area and webpage include URLs
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- 2018-05-17
- Wobbles
Graziemille!Ore di ricercami portanofinalmentenelpostogiusto.Thanks so much! Hours of search finally leads me to the right place.
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- 2018-06-06
- Foxan Ng
GRAZIE!!Questo èessenzialeper Cloudflaree dovrebbeessereparte deltutorial.THANK YOU!! This is essential for Cloudflare and should come as part of the tutorial.
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- 2018-07-05
- Sprachprofi
Sei ungenio! Graziemille.Trascorro cosìtante ore a capirlo. Mifai uscire da un cicloinfinito. Grazie!!You are a genius! Thank you soooooo much. I spend so many hours to figure this out. You get me out of an endless loop. Thanks!!
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- 2018-07-22
- SequenceDigitale.com
Graziemille!$ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]="on";hafunzionatoperme.Thank you so much! $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; worked for me.
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- 2018-10-20
- Komal
- 2016-03-16
Ho riscontrato unproblema similee ho appena aggiuntoil seguente snippet almio
:/** SSL */ define ('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN',true); //in alcune configurazioni HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOpotrebbe contenere //unelenco separato da virgole,ades.http,https //quindi controlla l'esistenza di https if (strpos ($ _ SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'],'https')!==false) $ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]="on"; come suggerito nel Codex .Questo sarànecessario solonel casoin cui sia abilitatoilpassthrough SSLnella configurazione delbilanciamento del carico (ofirewall).Significa chementrepuoi accedere al sitotramite HTTP all'interno di TLS/SSL,la comunicazione cheiltuo server riceve è solo HTTP.Pertenerne conto,ènecessaria l'intestazione soprain modo che WordPresspossa "impostare" HTTPS su
nell'array di configurazione$ _SERVER
.I had a similar problem and just added the following snippet to my
:/** SSL */ define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); // in some setups HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO might contain // a comma-separated list e.g. http,https // so check for https existence if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false) $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on';
as suggested in the Codex. This will only be needed in case there's SSL passthrough enabled in your load balancer (or firewall) setup. Meaning that while you can access the site via HTTP within TLS/SSL, the communication that your server receives is HTTP only. To account for that, above header is needed so WordPress can "set" HTTPS to
in the$_SERVER
config array.-
Questa è un'ottima soluzione specificaper chiunque utilizzi unbilanciatore del carico.Lo stavo ospitando usando Dokku (un clone host-it-yourself di Heroku)e avevoproblemi conil caricamento statico delle risorsee il ciclo di reindirizzamento wp-admin.Dokkuesegue anche unproxyinversonginxperinoltrareiltraffico 443in entrata allaporta 80e questo risolveilproblema.This is great solution specifically for anyone using a load balancer. I was hosting this using Dokku (a host-it-yourself clone of Heroku) and having problems with static resource loading and the wp-admin redirect loop. Dokku also does an nginx reverse proxy to forward incoming 443 traffic to port 80 and this fixes the issue.
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- 2016-06-06
- ZachM
Ho dovuto semplicementemettere `$ _SERVER ['HTTPS']='on';`perché HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOnon ènemmenonelleimpostazioni del server delmio client:|I had to just put the `$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';` because HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO is not even in the settings on my client's server :|
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- 2017-01-23
- Tom Roggero
Risoltoilproblemaperfettamente quando si utilizzava unbilanciatore del carico AWS.Fixed my issue perfectly when using an AWS load balancer.
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- 2017-04-12
- Josh
Questo ha anche risoltoilproblema "Troppi reindirizzamenti"poichéilmio sito è dietro unbilanciatore del carico su AWS.This also fixed the "Too many redirect issue" as my site is behind a load balancer on AWS.
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- 2017-11-01
- voam
Penso che siaimportante aggiungere a questa risposta la correzioneperilfile .htaccessper questi casi: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36748110/htaccess-too-many-redirects-when-trying-to-force-https,check @ harshal-lonare answer.I think is important to add to this answer the fix for the .htaccess file for such cases: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36748110/htaccess-too-many-redirects-when-trying-to-force-https, check @harshal-lonare answer.
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- 2018-10-05
- Gustavo Jantsch
- 2017-09-14
Poichénon ho ancorailprivilegio di commento,posterò questa aggiunta come un'altra risposta:
La soluzioneproposta da Elias,per aggiungere quanto segue a
,hafunzionatoperme:/** SSL */ define ('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN',true); //in alcune configurazioni HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOpotrebbe contenere //unelenco separato da virgole,ades.http,https //quindi controlla l'esistenza di https if (strpos ($ _ SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'],'https')!==false) $ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]="on"; Tuttavia,hafunzionato soloperme quando l'ho inseritoprima dituttoil resto in questofile!
As I do not have the comment privilege yet, I will post this addition as another answer:
The solution proposed by Elias, to add the following to
, did the trick for me:/** SSL */ define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); // in some setups HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO might contain // a comma-separated list e.g. http,https // so check for https existence if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false) $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on';
However, it only worked for me when I put it before everything else in this file!
Questoeraesattamenteilmioproblema.Li avevomessi allafine delfilee nonfunzionava.Eropronto a ricostruireilmio sito da zero.Li ho spostatiin altoe bam,problema risolto.Graziegrazie!!This was exactly what my problem was. I had put these at the end of the file and it wasn't working. I was ready to rebuild my site from scratch. Moved them to the top and bam, issue fixed. Thank you, Thank you!!
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- 2018-02-03
- Dean Poulin
Questa soluzione è ottima se stai utilizzando un SSLflessibile dietro unproxy DNS come Cloudflare.Grazie.This solution is great if you're using a flexible SSL behind a proxy DNS like Cloudflare. Thank you.
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- 2018-02-16
- Stefan P
Confermatoilfunzionamento.Graziemille,questo risolvemoltiproblemi che abbiamo avuto con APIe IFrame.Il sitonon ha HTTPS abilitato,ma abbiamobisogno di alcunepagineper averlo.Wordpress dovrebbe avere questo comeimpostazionepredefinita ...Confirmed working. Thank you so much, this fixes a lot of problems we had with API's and IFrames. The site doesn't have HTTPS enabled, but we need some pages to have it on. Wordpress should have this as a setting by default...
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- 2018-04-25
- Andy
Cordiali saluti,quel codicepuòessere ovunquema deveessereprima di `require_once (ABSPATH. 'Wp-settings.php');` che sitrova allafine delfile.FYI - that code can be anywhere but needs to be before `require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php' );` which is at the end of the file.
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- 2019-09-20
- Damodar Bashyal
Funziona,grazieThis works, thanks
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- 2020-04-28
- Mohammed Tawfik
questofunziona anchepermethis works for me as well
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- 2020-06-10
- Md. Amanur Rahman
- 2017-02-21
Un'altra versioneperi libri,aggiungila all'inizio di wp-config.php
Ilmotivo è chepotrebberoessercibilanciatori del carico o qualcosa chenontrasmetteil valore https corretto,quindi deviprenderlo da qualche altrapartee simularloper wordpress.
if ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] ) && ( '443' == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] )) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'] == '{"scheme":"https"}')) { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; }
Another version for the books, just add this to the top of wp-config.php
Reason is that there could be load balancers or something that does not pass along the proper https value, so you have to grab it from elsewhere and fake it for wordpress.
if ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] ) && ( '443' == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT'] )) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_VISITOR'] == '{"scheme":"https"}')) { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; }
- 2019-02-10
In realtà ... ho avuto questoproblemae la risoluzione è stata abbastanza semplicee imbarazzante.In qualchemodo sul webhost lamia cartella wp-admin è stataeliminatae quindinessun wp-admin con lo stessomessaggio dierrore.
Dopo ore ditestin cosìtantimodi diversi,l'ho vistoe quando è stato scaricatoe caricato dinuovotutto hafunzionatonormalmente.
Controllalo ragazzi,puòessere così semplice.
Actually... I had this issue and the solving was quite easy and embarassing. Somehow on the webhost my wp-admin folder was deleted and therefore no wp-admin with this same error message.
After hours of testing so many different ways I just saw this and when downloaded and uploaded again it all worked as normal.
Check it guys, it can be that simple.
- 2019-07-19
Domanda di 5 anni ...
Ok,ho riscontrato questoerrore,dopo averinstallatoilmio certificato SSLe modificatotuttii collegamenti da
utilizzandoil wp-cli.phartrovato qui .Hoprovato varie configurazionie nessuna sembrava risolverlo,ameno chenon loimpostassi:
define ('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN',true); define ('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN',true);
a questo:
define ('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN',false); define ('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN',false);
Mi hapermesso di accedere allapagina di accesso,mapoinon sono riuscito ad accedereeffettivamente. Hoprovato a rispondere due,ma sfortunatamenteneanche questo ha aiutato,finchénon ho apportato la seguentemodifica:
/** SSL */ define ('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN',true); //in alcune configurazioni HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOpotrebbe contenere //unelenco separato da virgole,ades. http,https //quindi controlla l'esistenza di https if (strpos ($ _ SERVER ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'],'https')!==true) $ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]="on"; Per qualchemotivo,non soperché: ho dovuto cambiare
!== false
!== vero
Stoeseguendonginx come hoste proxyinversoper l'unitànginx ... Se qualcuno haidea delperché abbiafunzionato,fammelo sapere
5 year old Question...
Okay, I had this error, after installing my SSL Certificate and changing all links that were
using the wp-cli.phar found here.I tried various configurations and none seemed to resolve this, unless I set this:
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);
to this:
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', false); define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', false);
It allowed me to hit the log-in page, but then was unable to actually log-in. I tried answer two but that unfortunately didn't help either, Untill I did the following change:
/** SSL */ define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); // in some setups HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO might contain // a comma-separated list e.g. http,https // so check for https existence if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== true) $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on';
For some reason, I do not know why - I had to change the
!== false
!== true
I'm running nginx as host and reverse proxy to nginx unit... If anyone has any idea why that worked, Please let me know
Ohperilbene di F @! $,Grazie!2020,e dobbiamo ancoraeseguire la scansione del Webperesserein grado dimettere SSL su wordpress,ed èperché,in qualchemodo,la rispostapiùfornitanonfunzionaper un'istruzionenon valida. Grazie ancora!Oh for F@!$'s sake, Thank you! 2020, and we still have to crawl the web to be able to put SSL on wordpress, and it's because, somehow, the most given answer doesn't work for an invalid statement. Thanks again!
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- 2020-08-15
- EmmanuelBeziat
- 2020-05-07
Ho riscontrato lo stessoproblema quando ho ospitatoilmio sito sul servizio di app Web di Azure Linux.
Prova questoplugin.fare attenzione quando è attivofunziona. https://wordpress.org/plugins/jsm-force-ssl/
Questoplugin utilizzafiltrinativi di WordPress,invece dell'output di PHP buffer,per lamassima affidabilità,prestazionie compatibilità caching (questopluginnoninfluisce sulleprestazioni dimemorizzazionenella cache),insieme a 301 reindirizzamentipermanentiper lamigliore SEO (i reindirizzamenti 301 sono consideratii migliori per SEO quando sipassa da HTTP a HTTPS).
Apprezza le variabiliproxy/dibilanciamento del caricoper l'hosting digrandi dimensioni ambienti:
Iltuo server web deveessere configurato con un certificato SSLe ingrado difarlo gestire la richiesta HTTPS.
Attiva semplicementeilplug-ine ilgioco èfatto:
Non ci sonoimpostazioni delplugin da regolaree non vengono apportatemodifiche la configurazione di WordPress: è sufficiente attivare o disattivareilfile pluginper abilitare/disabilitarei filtrie i reindirizzamenti dinamici.
I had the same issue when I hosted my site on Azure webapp service Linux.
Try this plugin. take care when it active it works. https://wordpress.org/plugins/jsm-force-ssl/
This plugin uses native WordPress filters, instead of PHP’s output buffer, for maximum reliability, performance and caching compatibility (this plugin does not affect caching performance), along with 301 permanent redirects for best SEO (301 redirects are considered best for SEO when moving from HTTP to HTTPS).
Honors proxy / load-balancing variables for large hosting environments:
Your web server must be configured with an SSL certificate and able to handle HTTPS request.
Simply activate the plugin and you’re done:
There are no plugin settings to adjust, and no changes are made to your WordPress configuration — simply activate or deactivate the plugin to enable / disable the filters and dynamic redirects.
Sto usandonginx come server webe homodificatoilfile di configurazionein modo chepunti a https,quindi cambio leimpostazioni dell'URL di WordPress su httpse ho anche aggiuntoil codice di amministrazione di WordPressforce ssl almiofile wp-configma continuo a correrenell'errore " Questapagina web ha un loop di reindirizzamento "