Come mostrare un elenco di termini gerarchici?
Nel casoin cui qualcuno abbiabisogno di una CHECKLISTgerarchica (non la domanda quima relativa allepersone che costruiscono un'interfaccia utentepersonalizzatapertassonomiegerarchiche),la rispostamigliore è usare wp_terms_checklist () con latuatassonomiapersonalizzata.In case anyone needs a hierarchical CHECKLIST (not the question here but related for people building custom UI for hierarchical taxonomies), the best answer is to use wp_terms_checklist() with your custom taxonomy.
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- 2016-02-23
- jerclarke
11 risposta
- voti
- 2011-04-13
con'taxonomy' => 'taxonomy'
,èprogettatoper creareelenchi di categoriegerarchichema supporterà anche l'utilizzo di unatassonomiapersonalizzata ..Esempio di codice:
Visualizzai terminiin unatassonomiapersonalizzataSe l'elencotorna a sembrarepiatto,èpossibile cheti serva solo unpo 'di CSSper aggiungereil riempimento aglielenchi,in modo dapoter vedere la loro strutturagerarchica.
with the'taxonomy' => 'taxonomy'
argument, it's built for creating hierarchical category lists but will also support using a custom taxonomy..Codex Example:
Display terms in a custom taxonomyIf the list comes back looking flat, it's possible you just need a little CSS to add padding to the lists, so you can see their hierarchical structure.
Potrebbeessereinvertito?Mostraprimai bambini ..Could this be reversed? Display children first..
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- 2016-03-06
- Arg Geo
- 2013-05-15
Mi rendo conto che questa è una domandamolto vecchia,ma se haibisogno di costruire una struttura effettiva ditermini,questopotrebbeessere unmetodo utileperte:
/** * Ordinain modogerarchico un array ditermini ditassonomia. Le categoriefiglio saranno *posto sotto unmembro "figli" delterminegenitore. * @param Array $ catsterminetassonomia oggetti da ordinare * @param Array $nell'array dei risultatiperinserirli * @paraminteger $parentId l'IDgenitore correntein cuiinserirli */ funzione sort_terms_hierarchically (Array & amp; $ cats,Array & amp; $into,$parentId=0) { foreach ($ cats as $i=> $ cat) { if ($ cat- >parent==$parentId) { $in [$ cat- >term_id]=$ cat; nonimpostato ($ cats [$i]); } } foreach ($into as $topCat) { $topCat- > children=array (); sort_terms_hierarchically ($ cats,$topCat- > children,$topCat- >term_id); } } L'utilizzo èil seguente:
$ categories=get_terms ('my_taxonomy_name',array ('hide_empty'=>false)); $ categoryHierarchy=array (); sort_terms_hierarchically ($ categories,$ categoryHierarchy); var_dump ($ categoryHierarchy);
I realize, this is a very old question, but if you have a need to build up an actual structure of terms, this might be a useful method for you:
/** * Recursively sort an array of taxonomy terms hierarchically. Child categories will be * placed under a 'children' member of their parent term. * @param Array $cats taxonomy term objects to sort * @param Array $into result array to put them in * @param integer $parentId the current parent ID to put them in */ function sort_terms_hierarchically(Array &$cats, Array &$into, $parentId = 0) { foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) { if ($cat->parent == $parentId) { $into[$cat->term_id] = $cat; unset($cats[$i]); } } foreach ($into as $topCat) { $topCat->children = array(); sort_terms_hierarchically($cats, $topCat->children, $topCat->term_id); } }
Usage is as follows:
$categories = get_terms('my_taxonomy_name', array('hide_empty' => false)); $categoryHierarchy = array(); sort_terms_hierarchically($categories, $categoryHierarchy); var_dump($categoryHierarchy);
Questoin realtà è davverobuono.Vorrei cambiare una cosa: `$in [$ cat->term_id]=$ cat;`in `$in []=$ cat;` Avere l'ID deltermine come chiave dell'array èfastidioso (nonpuoi ottenereilprimoelementofacilmente usandoiltasto 0)e inutile (staigiàmemorizzando l'oggetto `$ cat`e puoi ottenere l'id usando laproprietà`term_id`.This is actually really good. I would change one thing: `$into[$cat->term_id] = $cat;` into `$into[] = $cat;` Having the ID of the term as the array key is annoying (you can't get the first element easily using the 0 key) and useless (you're already storing the `$cat` object and you can get the id using the `term_id` property.
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- 2017-03-07
- Nahuel
Se comeme stai cercando di applicare questafunzione a un sotto-livello di categorie,dovraipassare l'ID del livelloin cuiti trovi attualmente affinchéfunzioni.Mafunzionabene lofa,grazie @popsi.If like me you're trying to apply this function to a sub-level of categories, you will need to pass in the ID of the level you're currently at for this to work. But work nicely it does, thanks @popsi.
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- 2018-08-16
- Ben Everard
funziona,graziethat works, thank you
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- 2019-11-12
- Luca Reghellin
- 2011-04-13
Non conosco alcunafunzione chefaccia quello che vuoimapuoi creare qualcosa delgenere:
<ul> <?php $hiterms = get_terms("my_tax", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => 0)); ?> <?php foreach($hiterms as $key => $hiterm) : ?> <li> <?php echo $hiterm->name; ?> <?php $loterms = get_terms("my_tax", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => $hiterm->term_id)); ?> <?php if($loterms) : ?> <ul> <?php foreach($loterms as $key => $loterm) : ?> <li><?php echo $loterm->name; ?></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
Non l'hotestatomapuoi vedere a cosa sto arrivando. Ciò cheil codiceprecedentefarà è darti solo due livelli
EDIT: ahh sì,puoi usare wp_list_categories ()perfare quello che vuoi.
I dont know of any function that does what you want but you can build up something like this:
<ul> <?php $hiterms = get_terms("my_tax", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => 0)); ?> <?php foreach($hiterms as $key => $hiterm) : ?> <li> <?php echo $hiterm->name; ?> <?php $loterms = get_terms("my_tax", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => $hiterm->term_id)); ?> <?php if($loterms) : ?> <ul> <?php foreach($loterms as $key => $loterm) : ?> <li><?php echo $loterm->name; ?></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
I haven't tested this but you can see what I'm getting at. What the above code will do is give you only two levels
EDIT: ahh yes you can use wp_list_categories() to do what you after.
In realtà questo è abbastanza utile,poiché hobisogno di avere collegamentipersonalizzati (con unparametro GET) sultermine collegamenti,il chenon sembrapossibile conilmodo wp_list_categories () difarlo.Actually this is quite useful, as I need to have custom links (with a GET param) on the term links, which doesn't seem possible with the wp_list_categories() way of doing it.
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- 2011-04-13
- mike23
Sì,questometodo daràpiù controllo sull'output.Mapotrestifare unbelpo 'di ricercae sostituzione sull'output di `wp_list_categories ()`per aggiungerei parametri GET.O ancorameglio costruire unfiltroper lafunzione da aggiungerenei bit che desideri.Non chiedermi comefaiperchénon sono ancora riuscito a capirlo :(Yes this method will give more control over your output. But you could do some nice bit of find and replace on the output of `wp_list_categories()` to add in your GET parameters. Or even better build a filter for the function to add in the bits you want. Don't ask me how you do that as I've not yet been able to get my head around it :(
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- 2011-04-13
- Scott
Suggerirei di utilizzare un [custom category walker] ( con `wp_list_categories` se si desidera unmaggiore controllo sull'output,renderàiltuo codicemoltopiù riutilizzabile ..I'd suggest using a [custom category walker]( with `wp_list_categories` if you want greater control over the output, it'll make your code much more reusable..
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- 2011-04-13
- t31os
- 2016-01-13
Il codice seguentegenererà unmenu a discesa coni termini,mapuò anchegenerare qualsiasi altroelemento/strutturamodificando la variabile $ outputTemplatee modificando le righe str_replace:
function get_terms_hierarchical($terms, $output = '', $parent_id = 0, $level = 0) { //Out Template $outputTemplate = '<option value="%ID%">%PADDING%%NAME%</option>'; foreach ($terms as $term) { if ($parent_id == $term->parent) { //Replacing the template variables $itemOutput = str_replace('%ID%', $term->term_id, $outputTemplate); $itemOutput = str_replace('%PADDING%', str_pad('', $level*12, ' '), $itemOutput); $itemOutput = str_replace('%NAME%', $term->name, $itemOutput); $output .= $itemOutput; $output = get_terms_hierarchical($terms, $output, $term->term_id, $level + 1); } } return $output; } $terms = get_terms('taxonomy', array('hide_empty' => false)); $output = get_terms_hierarchical($terms); echo '<select>' . $output . '</select>';
The following code will generate drop-down with terms, but also can generate any other element/structure by editing the $outputTemplate variable, and editing str_replace lines:
function get_terms_hierarchical($terms, $output = '', $parent_id = 0, $level = 0) { //Out Template $outputTemplate = '<option value="%ID%">%PADDING%%NAME%</option>'; foreach ($terms as $term) { if ($parent_id == $term->parent) { //Replacing the template variables $itemOutput = str_replace('%ID%', $term->term_id, $outputTemplate); $itemOutput = str_replace('%PADDING%', str_pad('', $level*12, ' '), $itemOutput); $itemOutput = str_replace('%NAME%', $term->name, $itemOutput); $output .= $itemOutput; $output = get_terms_hierarchical($terms, $output, $term->term_id, $level + 1); } } return $output; } $terms = get_terms('taxonomy', array('hide_empty' => false)); $output = get_terms_hierarchical($terms); echo '<select>' . $output . '</select>';
- 2013-02-21
Dato che stavo cercando la stessa cosamaper ottenerei termini di unpost,allafine ho compilato questoe perme funziona.
Che cosafa:
• Ottienetuttii termini di unnome ditassonomiaper unpost specifico.
•per unatassonomiagerarchica con due livelli (es: livello1: 'paese'e livello2: 'città'),crea un h4 conil livello1 seguito da unelenco ul di livello2e questopertuttiglielementi di livello1.
• se latassonomianon ègerarchica,creerà solo unelenco ul dituttiglielementi. eccoil codice (lo scrivoperme quindi ho cercato diessereilpiùgenericopossibilema ...):
function finishingLister($heTerm){ $myterm = $heTerm; $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID,$myterm); if($terms){ $count = count($terms); echo '<h3>'.$myterm; echo ((($count>1)&&(!endswith($myterm, 's')))?'s':"").'</h3>'; echo '<div class="'.$myterm.'Wrapper">'; foreach ($terms as $term) { if (0 == $term->parent) $parentsItems[] = $term; if ($term->parent) $childItems[] = $term; }; if(is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $heTerm )){ foreach ($parentsItems as $parentsItem){ echo '<h4>'.$parentsItem->name.'</h4>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach($childItems as $childItem){ if ($childItem->parent == $parentsItem->term_id){ echo '<li>'.$childItem->name.'</li>'; }; }; echo '</ul>'; }; }else{ echo '<ul>'; foreach($parentsItems as $parentsItem){ echo '<li>'.$parentsItem->name.'</li>'; }; echo '</ul>'; }; echo '</div>'; }; };
Quindi allafine chiami lafunzione con questo (ovviamente,sostituiscimy_taxonomy coniltuo):
Nonfingo che siaperfettoma come ho dettofunzionaperme.
As I was looking for the same but to get terms of one post, finally I compiled this, and it works for me.
What it does :
• it gets all terms of a taxonomy name for a specific post.
• for a hierachical taxonomy with two levels (ex: level1:'country' and level2:'cities'), it creates a h4 with the level1 followed by an ul list of level2 and this for all level1 items.
• if the taxonomy is not hierarchical, it will create only an ul list of all items. here is the code (I write it for me so I tried to be as generic as I can but...) :function finishingLister($heTerm){ $myterm = $heTerm; $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID,$myterm); if($terms){ $count = count($terms); echo '<h3>'.$myterm; echo ((($count>1)&&(!endswith($myterm, 's')))?'s':"").'</h3>'; echo '<div class="'.$myterm.'Wrapper">'; foreach ($terms as $term) { if (0 == $term->parent) $parentsItems[] = $term; if ($term->parent) $childItems[] = $term; }; if(is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $heTerm )){ foreach ($parentsItems as $parentsItem){ echo '<h4>'.$parentsItem->name.'</h4>'; echo '<ul>'; foreach($childItems as $childItem){ if ($childItem->parent == $parentsItem->term_id){ echo '<li>'.$childItem->name.'</li>'; }; }; echo '</ul>'; }; }else{ echo '<ul>'; foreach($parentsItems as $parentsItem){ echo '<li>'.$parentsItem->name.'</li>'; }; echo '</ul>'; }; echo '</div>'; }; };
So finally you call the function with this (obviously, you replace my_taxonomy by yours) :
I don't pretend it's perfect but as I said it works for me.
- 2013-11-30
Ho avuto questoproblemae nessuna delle risposte qui hafunzionatoperme,per unmotivo oper l'altro.
Ecco lamia versione aggiornatae funzionante.
function locationSelector( $fieldName ) { $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => true, 'parent' => 0); $terms = get_terms("locations", $args); $html = ''; $html .= '<select name="' . $fieldName . '"' . 'class="chosen-select ' . $fieldName . '"' . '>'; foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $html .= '<option value="' . $term->term_id . '">' . $term->name . '</option>'; $args = array( 'hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => true, 'parent' => $term->term_id ); $childterms = get_terms("locations", $args); foreach ( $childterms as $childterm ) { $html .= '<option value="' . $childterm->term_id . '">' . $term->name . ' > ' . $childterm->name . '</option>'; $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => true, 'parent' => $childterm->term_id); $granchildterms = get_terms("locations", $args); foreach ( $granchildterms as $granchild ) { $html .= '<option value="' . $granchild->term_id . '">' . $term->name . ' > ' . $childterm->name . ' > ' . $granchild->name . '</option>'; } } } $html .= "</select>"; return $html; }
E utilizzo:
$selector = locationSelector('locationSelectClass'); echo $selector;
I had this problem and none of the answers here worked for me, for one reason or another.
Here is my updated and working version.
function locationSelector( $fieldName ) { $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => true, 'parent' => 0); $terms = get_terms("locations", $args); $html = ''; $html .= '<select name="' . $fieldName . '"' . 'class="chosen-select ' . $fieldName . '"' . '>'; foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $html .= '<option value="' . $term->term_id . '">' . $term->name . '</option>'; $args = array( 'hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => true, 'parent' => $term->term_id ); $childterms = get_terms("locations", $args); foreach ( $childterms as $childterm ) { $html .= '<option value="' . $childterm->term_id . '">' . $term->name . ' > ' . $childterm->name . '</option>'; $args = array('hide_empty' => false, 'hierarchical' => true, 'parent' => $childterm->term_id); $granchildterms = get_terms("locations", $args); foreach ( $granchildterms as $granchild ) { $html .= '<option value="' . $granchild->term_id . '">' . $term->name . ' > ' . $childterm->name . ' > ' . $granchild->name . '</option>'; } } } $html .= "</select>"; return $html; }
And usage:
$selector = locationSelector('locationSelectClass'); echo $selector;
- 2018-07-09
Ho usatoil codice @popsi chefunzionavamoltobene e l'ho resopiùefficientee facile da leggere:
/** * Ordinain modogerarchico un array ditermini ditassonomia.Le categoriefiglio saranno *posto sotto unmembro "figli" delterminegenitore. * @param Array $ catsterminetassonomia oggetti da ordinare * @paraminteger $parentId l'IDgenitore correntein cuiinserirli */ funzione sort_terms_hierarchicaly (Array $ cats,$parentId=0) { $in=[]; foreach ($ cats as $i=> $ cat) { if ($ cat- >parent==$parentId) { $ cat- > children=sort_terms_hierarchicaly ($ cats,$ cat- >term_id); $in [$ cat- >term_id]=$ cat; } } restituire $in; } Utilizzo:
$ Sort_terms=sort_terms_hierarchicaly ($terms);
I used @popsi code that was working really well and I made it a more efficient and easy to read:
/** * Recursively sort an array of taxonomy terms hierarchically. Child categories will be * placed under a 'children' member of their parent term. * @param Array $cats taxonomy term objects to sort * @param integer $parentId the current parent ID to put them in */ function sort_terms_hierarchicaly(Array $cats, $parentId = 0) { $into = []; foreach ($cats as $i => $cat) { if ($cat->parent == $parentId) { $cat->children = sort_terms_hierarchicaly($cats, $cat->term_id); $into[$cat->term_id] = $cat; } } return $into; }
Usage :
$sorted_terms = sort_terms_hierarchicaly($terms);
- 2020-05-04
Questa soluzione èmenoefficiente del codice di @popsi,poichéesegue unanuova queryper ognitermine,ma è anchepiùfacile da usarein unmodello. Seiltuo sito web utilizza la cache,potresti,comeme,nonpreoccuparti del leggero sovraccarico del database.
Non ènecessariopreparare un array che sarà riempito ricorsivamente ditermini. Devi solo chiamarlonello stessomodoin cui chiameresti get_terms () (ilnon-modulo deprecato con solo un arrayper un argomento). Restituisce un array di oggetti
con unaproprietàextra chiamatachildren
.function get_terms_tree( Array $args ) { $new_args = $args; $new_args['parent'] = $new_args['parent'] ?? 0; $new_args['fields'] = 'all'; // The terms for this level $terms = get_terms( $new_args ); // The children of each term on this level foreach( $terms as &$this_term ) { $new_args['parent'] = $this_term->term_id; $this_term->children = get_terms_tree( $new_args ); } return $terms; }
L'utilizzo è semplice:
$terms = get_terms_tree([ 'taxonomy' => 'my-tax' ]);
This solution is less efficient than @popsi's code, since it makes a new query for every term, but it's also easier to use in a template. If your website uses caching, you may, like me, not mind the slight database overhead.
You don't need to prepare an array that'll be recursively filled with terms. You just call it the same way you would call get_terms() (the non-deprecated form with only an array for an argument). It returns an array of
objects with an extra property calledchildren
.function get_terms_tree( Array $args ) { $new_args = $args; $new_args['parent'] = $new_args['parent'] ?? 0; $new_args['fields'] = 'all'; // The terms for this level $terms = get_terms( $new_args ); // The children of each term on this level foreach( $terms as &$this_term ) { $new_args['parent'] = $this_term->term_id; $this_term->children = get_terms_tree( $new_args ); } return $terms; }
Usage is simple:
$terms = get_terms_tree([ 'taxonomy' => 'my-tax' ]);
- 2011-04-13
Assicurati che
siapassato altuoget_terms()
chiamata.Nota che
è l'impostazionepredefinita,quindiin realtà,assicurati solo chenon sia stato sovrascrittoperesserefalse
.Be sure that
is passed to yourget_terms()
call.Note that
is the default, so really, just be sure that it hasn't been overridden to befalse
Ciao Chip,sì "gerarchico" è "vero"perimpostazionepredefinita.Hi Chip, yes 'hierarchical' is 'true' by default.
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- 2011-04-13
- mike23
Potetefornire un collegamento a unesempio dal vivo dell'output?Can you provide a link to a live example of the output?
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- 2011-04-13
- Chip Bennett
Commentando una risposta lasciata quasi due annifa?Veramente?In realtà,* è * una rispostaproposta,anche seformulata come una domanda.Devomodificarloin modo che sia una dichiarazione,piuttosto che una domanda?Commenting on an answer left almost two years ago? Really? Actually, it *is* a proposed answer, even if worded as a question. Shall I edit it to be a statement, rather than a question?
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- 2013-02-11
- Chip Bennett
`get_terms ()` restituirà unelenco completo deitermini (come affermato dall'OP)manon unelencogerarchico chemostra la relazionegenitore/figlio come richiesto.`get_terms()` will return a full list of the terms (as the OP stated) but not a hierarchical list showing parent / child relationship as requested.
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- 2016-03-17
- jdm2112
- 2013-03-25
Qui ho unelenco di selezione a discesa a quattro livelli conilprimoelementonascosto
<select name="lokalizacja" id="ucz"> <option value="">Wszystkie lokalizacje</option> <?php $excluded_term = get_term_by('slug', 'podroze', 'my_travels_places'); $args = array( 'orderby' => 'slug', 'hierarchical' => 'true', 'exclude' => $excluded_term->term_id, 'hide_empty' => '0', 'parent' => $excluded_term->term_id, ); $hiterms = get_terms("my_travels_places", $args); foreach ($hiterms AS $hiterm) : echo "<option value='".$hiterm->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places'] == $hiterm->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '').">".$hiterm->name."</option>\n"; $loterms = get_terms("my_travels_places", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => $hiterm->term_id,'hide_empty' => '0',)); if($loterms) : foreach($loterms as $key => $loterm) : echo "<option value='".$loterm->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places'] == $loterm->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '')."> - ".$loterm->name."</option>\n"; $lo2terms = get_terms("my_travels_places", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => $loterm->term_id,'hide_empty' => '0',)); if($lo2terms) : foreach($lo2terms as $key => $lo2term) : echo "<option value='".$lo2term->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places'] == $lo2term->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '')."> - ".$lo2term->name."</option>\n"; endforeach; endif; endforeach; endif; endforeach; ?> </select> <label>Wybierz rodzaj miejsca</label> <select name="rodzaj_miejsca" id="woj"> <option value="">Wszystkie rodzaje</option> <?php $theterms = get_terms('my_travels_places_type', 'orderby=name'); foreach ($theterms AS $term) : echo "<option value='".$term->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places_type'] == $term->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '').">".$term->name."</option>\n"; endforeach; ?> </select>
Here I have four level dropdown select list with hidden first item
<select name="lokalizacja" id="ucz"> <option value="">Wszystkie lokalizacje</option> <?php $excluded_term = get_term_by('slug', 'podroze', 'my_travels_places'); $args = array( 'orderby' => 'slug', 'hierarchical' => 'true', 'exclude' => $excluded_term->term_id, 'hide_empty' => '0', 'parent' => $excluded_term->term_id, ); $hiterms = get_terms("my_travels_places", $args); foreach ($hiterms AS $hiterm) : echo "<option value='".$hiterm->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places'] == $hiterm->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '').">".$hiterm->name."</option>\n"; $loterms = get_terms("my_travels_places", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => $hiterm->term_id,'hide_empty' => '0',)); if($loterms) : foreach($loterms as $key => $loterm) : echo "<option value='".$loterm->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places'] == $loterm->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '')."> - ".$loterm->name."</option>\n"; $lo2terms = get_terms("my_travels_places", array("orderby" => "slug", "parent" => $loterm->term_id,'hide_empty' => '0',)); if($lo2terms) : foreach($lo2terms as $key => $lo2term) : echo "<option value='".$lo2term->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places'] == $lo2term->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '')."> - ".$lo2term->name."</option>\n"; endforeach; endif; endforeach; endif; endforeach; ?> </select> <label>Wybierz rodzaj miejsca</label> <select name="rodzaj_miejsca" id="woj"> <option value="">Wszystkie rodzaje</option> <?php $theterms = get_terms('my_travels_places_type', 'orderby=name'); foreach ($theterms AS $term) : echo "<option value='".$term->slug."'".($_POST['my_travels_places_type'] == $term->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '').">".$term->name."</option>\n"; endforeach; ?> </select>
Spiega **perché ** questopotrebbe risolvereilproblema.Please explain **why** that could solve the problem.
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- 2013-03-25
- fuxia
Penso che la logica sia che sitratta di unproblema correlato.Hotrovato questopost cercando di capire come ottenere una lista di controllogerarchicain stile categoriae sonotentato di aggiungere una risposta qui ora che l'ho capito.Non lofaròperòperché comefainotarenon risponde all'OQ.I think the logic is that it's a related problem. I found this post trying to figure out how to get a category-style hierarchical checklist and am tempted to add an answer here now that I've figured it out. I won't though because as you point out it doesn't answer the OQ.
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- 2016-02-23
- jerclarke
Ho unatassonomiagerarchica chiamata "localitàgeografiche".Contienei continenti a unprimo livello,quindii paesiper ciascuno.Esempio:
Utilizzandoget_terms () sono riuscito aprodurre l'elenco completo deitermini,mai continenti si confondono coni paesi,in un unicograndeelencopiatto.
Comepossogenerare unelencogerarchico come sopra?