Organizzare il codice nel file functions.php del tuo tema WordPress?
8 risposta
- voti
- 2010-09-06
Se stai arrivando alpuntoin cuiil codicenel
deltuotema stainiziando a sopraffarti,direi sicuramente che seipronto a considerare di dividerloin piùfile. A questopuntotendo afarlo quasiper secondanatura.Usa Includifilenel
FileCreo una sottodirectory chiamata "includes" sotto lamia directory deltemae seguoilmio codicein fileinclude organizzatiin base a ciò che ha sensoperme in quelmomento (il che significa che sto costantemente refactoringe spostandoil codicein giromanmano che un sito sievolve.) Inoltre raramenteinserisco del codice realein
;tutto vanei fileinclude; solo lamiapreferenza.Soloper darti unesempio,ecco lamiainstallazione diprova che utilizzopertestare lemie risposte alle domande qui su WordPress Answers. Ogni volta che rispondo a una domandatengoil codicein gironel casone avessibisogno dinuovo. Questonon èesattamente quello chefaraiper un sito live,mamostrai meccanismi della suddivisione del codice:
<?php /* * functions.php * */ require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/null-meta-compare.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/older-examples.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/wp-admin-menu-classes.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/admin-menu-function-examples.php'); // WA: Adding a Taxonomy Filter to Admin List for a Custom Post Type? // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/cpt-filtering-in-admin.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/category-fields.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/post-list-shortcode.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/car-type-urls.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/buffer-all.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/get-page-selector.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/top-5-posts-per-category.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/alternate-category-metabox.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/remove-status.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/301-redirects.php');
Oppure creaplug-in
Un'altra opzioneperiniziare a raggruppareil codiceperfunzionee crearei propriplugin. Per quantomi riguarda,inizio a scrivere codicenelfile
deltemae nelmomentoin cui ottengoil codice completo ho spostato lamaggiorparte delmio codicenei plugin.Tuttavia,NESSUNguadagno diprestazioni significativo dall'organizzazione del codice PHP
D'altraparte,strutturarei tuoifile PHP significaperil 99% creare ordinee manutenibilitàe l'1%per leprestazioni,se questo (organizzarefile
chiamati dalbrowsertramite HTTP è un caso completamente diversoe haenormiimplicazioni sulleprestazioni.) Mailmodoin cui organizziiltuo codice PHP sul serverpraticamentenonimporta dalpunto di vista delleprestazioni.E l'organizzazione del codice è unapreferenzapersonale
E,ultimomanonmenoimportante,l'organizzazione del codice è lapreferenzapersonale. Alcunepersone odierannoilmodoin cui organizzoil codiceproprio comepotrei odiare ancheilmodoin cui lofanno. Trova qualcosa cheti piacee rispettalo,ma lascia che latua strategia sievolvaneltempomanmano cheimpari dipiùe ti sentipiù atuo agio.
If you are getting to the point where the code in your theme's
is starting to overwhelm you I would definitely say you are ready to consider splitting it up into multiple files. I tend to do that almost by second nature at this point.Use Include Files in your Theme's
FileI create a subdirectory called "includes" under my theme directory and segment my code into include files organized by what makes sense to me at the time (which means I'm constantly refactoring and moving code around as a site evolves.) I also rarely put any real code in
; everything goes in the include files; just my preference.Just to give you an example here's my test install that I use to test my answers to questions here on WordPress Answers. Every time I answer a question I keep the code around in case I need it again. This isn't exactly what you'll do for a live site but it shows the mechanics of splitting up the code:
<?php /* * functions.php * */ require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/null-meta-compare.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/older-examples.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/wp-admin-menu-classes.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/admin-menu-function-examples.php'); // WA: Adding a Taxonomy Filter to Admin List for a Custom Post Type? // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/cpt-filtering-in-admin.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/category-fields.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/post-list-shortcode.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/car-type-urls.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/buffer-all.php'); require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/get-page-selector.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/top-5-posts-per-category.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/alternate-category-metabox.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/remove-status.php'); // require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/301-redirects.php');
Or Create Plugins
Another option it to start grouping your code by function and create your own plugins. For me I start coding in the theme's
file and by the time I get the code fleshed out I've moved most of my code into plugins.However NO Significant Performance Gain From PHP Code Organization
On the other hand structuring your PHP files is 99% about creating order and maintainability and 1% about performance, if that (organizing
files called by the browser via HTTP is a completely different case and has huge performance implications.) But how you organize your PHP code on the server pretty much doesn't matter from a performance perspective.And Code Organization is Personal Preference
And last but not least code organization is personal preference. Some people would hate how I organize code just as I might hate how they do it too. Find something you like and stick with it, but allow your strategy to evolve over time as you learn more and get more comfortable with it.
Bella risposta,sono appena arrivato a questopuntoin cui hobisogno di dividereilfile dellefunzioni.Quandopensi che sia utilepassare dafrunctions.php a unplugin.Nellatua risposta hai detto: _quando ho arricchitoil codice ho spostato lamaggiorparte delmio codicenei plugin_.Non lo capisco completamente,cosaintendi con rimpolpato.Nice answer, I just arrived to this point where i need to split the functions file. When do you think it's handy to move from frunctions.php to a plugin. You said in your answer: _by the time I get the code fleshed out I've moved most of my code into plugins_. I do not understand that fully, what do you mean with fleshed out.
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- 2011-08-16
- Saif Bechan
+1per "o creaplug-in".Più specificamente,"[plugin difunzionalità] ("+1 for "or create plugins". More specifically, "[functionality plugins]("
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- 2012-04-18
- Ian Dunn
l'utilizzo dipercorsi relativipotrebbenonessere affidabilein tuttii tipi diimpostazioni,al suoposto dovrebbeessere sempre utilizzatoilpercorso assolutousing relative paths might not be reliable in all kinds of settings, absolute path should always be used instead
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- 2016-09-22
- Mark Kaplun
@MarkKaplun - Hai ** assolutamente ** corretto.Da quando ho scritto questa risposta hoimparato quella lezionenelmodopiù duro.Aggiornerò lamia risposta.Grazieper averlofattonotare.@MarkKaplun - You are **absolutely** correct. Since I wrote this answer I learned that lesson the hard way. I am going to update my answer. Thanks for pointing this out.
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- 2016-09-23
- MikeSchinkel
Ottengo "Uso della costanteindefinita __DIR__ -presunto" __DIR__ "in C: \ wamp \ www \ site \ wp-content \themes \mytheme \functions.php" - PHP v5.6.25e PHP v7.0.10 - Nonpossoformattare correttamente questa DIRnel commento (underscoreunderscoreDIRunderscoreunderscore),mafunziona con dirname (underscoreunderscoreFILEunderscoreunderscore)I get "Use of undefined constant __DIR__ - assumed '__DIR__' in C:\wamp\www\site\wp-content\themes\mytheme\functions.php" - PHP v5.6.25 and PHP v7.0.10 - I can't format properly this DIR in comment (underscoreunderscoreDIRunderscoreunderscore), but it works with dirname(underscoreunderscoreFILEunderscoreunderscore)
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- 2016-11-01
- Marko
Attenzione: dovresti usare `__DIR__`invece di` __DIR ___ `,altrimentiti verràpresentato unerroreinterno del server (500).Caution: you'd need to use `__DIR__` instead of `__DIR___`, otherwise you'll be presented with an Internal Server Error (500).
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- 2017-02-13
- robro
@robro - Ah,grazieper averlo capito!_ (Dannatierrori dibattitura. Grrr ...) _ :-)@robro - Ah, thanks for catching that! _(Damn typos. Grrr...)_ :-)
- 0
- 2017-02-13
- MikeSchinkel
- 2012-10-13
Rispostain ritardo
Comeincluderei filenelmodogiusto:
funzione wpse1403_bootstrap () { //Qui cariciamo dallanostra directoryinclude //Questo considera anchei temipadree figlio locate_template (array ('inc/foo.class.php'),true,true); } add_action ('after_setup_theme','wpse1403_bootstrap'); Lo stessofunziona anche coni plugin.
Come ottenereilpercorso corretto o URi
Dai anche un'occhiata allefunzioni API delfile system come:
- ecc.
Come ridurreilnumero di
Se devi recuperare tutti i file da una directory vai con
foreach (glob ('path/to/folder/*.php') as $file) include $file;
Tienipresente che questoignoraglierrori (forse utiliper l'usoin produzione)/i filenon caricabili.
Permodificare questo comportamentopotresti voler utilizzare una configurazione diversa durante lo sviluppo:
$files=(defined ('WP_DEBUG') AND WP_DEBUG) ? glob ('percorso/alla/cartella/*.php',GLOB_ERR) :glob ('percorso/a/cartella/*.php') foreach ($file come $file) include $file;
Modifica: approccio OOP/SPL
Dato che sono appenatornatoe ho visto che questa risposta sta ottenendo semprepiù votipositivi,hopensato dipotermostrare come lo stofacendo algiorno d'oggi -in unmondo PHP 5.3+. L'esempio seguente caricatuttii file da una sottocartella ditemi denominata
. Qui è dove ho lemie librerie chegestiscono determinate attività comemenu,immagini,ecc. Non devinemmenopreoccuparti delnomepoiché ogni singolofile viene caricato. Se hai altre sottocartellein questa directory,vengonoignorate.\ FilesystemIterator
èil supercedor PHP 5.3+ su\ DirectoryIterator
. Entrambifannoparte di PHP SPL. Sebbene PHP 5.2 abbia resopossibile disattivare l'estensione SPLincorporata (meno dell'1% ditutte leinstallazioni lo hafatto),SPL orafaparte del core PHP.& lt;?php Tema dello spazio deinomi; $files=new \ FilesystemIterator (__DIR __. '/src',\ FilesystemIterator :: SKIP_DOTS); foreach ($file come $file) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ ! $files- >isDir ()e includi $files- >getRealPath (); }
Inprecedenza,sebbene supportassi ancora PHP 5.2.x,utilizzavo la seguente soluzione: un
\ FilterIterator
nella directorysrc/Filters
per recuperare soloi file (enonpuntopuntatori di cartelle)e un\ DirectoryIterator
pereseguireil cicloe il caricamento.tema dello spazio deinomi; usa Theme \ Filters \ IncludeFilter; $files=new IncludeFilter (new \ DirectoryIterator (__DIR __. '/src')); foreach ($file come $file) { include_once $files- > current () - >getRealPath (); }
\ FilterIterator
è stato così semplice:& lt;?php spazio deinomi Theme \ Filters; class IncludeFilterestende \ FilterIterator { funzionepubblica accetta () { ritorno ! $this- > current () - >isDot () e $this- > current () - >isFile () e $this- > current () - >isReadable (); } }
Aparteilfatto che PHP 5.2 è ormaimorto/EOL (e anche 5.3),c'èilfatto chenelgioco c'èpiù codicee un altrofile,quindinon c'èmotivo di andare conil successivoe supportare PHP 5.2.x .
MODIFICA Ilmodo ovviamente corretto è usareil codice
d,preparatoper PSR-4 autoloadingmettendotuttonella directory appropriata che ègià definitatramite lo spazio deinomi. Quindi usa Composer e uncomposer.json
pergestire letue dipendenzee lasciarlo automaticamente creailtuo autoloader PHP (cheimporta automaticamente unfile semplicemente chiamandouse \ & lt;namespace > \ ClassName
). Questo è lo standard defactonelmondo PHP,ilmodopiù sempliceperprocederee ancorapiùpre-automatizzatoe semplificato da WP Starter .Late answer
How to include your files the right way:
function wpse1403_bootstrap() { // Here we load from our includes directory // This considers parent and child themes as well locate_template( array( 'inc/foo.class.php' ), true, true ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpse1403_bootstrap' );
The same works in plugins too.
How to get the right path or URi
Also take a look at file system API functions like:
- etc.
How to reduce the number of
If you need to fetch all files from a directory go with
foreach ( glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php' ) as $file ) include $file;
Keep in mind that this ignores failures (maybe good for production use)/not loadable files.
To alter this behavior you might want to use a different config during development:
$files = ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) AND WP_DEBUG ) ? glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php', GLOB_ERR ) : glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php' ) foreach ( $files as $file ) include $file;
Edit: OOP/SPL approach
As I just came back and saw that this answer is getting more and more upvotes, I thought I might show how I'm doing it nowadays - in a PHP 5.3+ world. The following example loads all files from a themes subfolder named
. This is where I have my libraries that handle certain tasks like menus, images, etc. You don't even have to care about the name as every single file gets loaded. If you have other subfolders in this directory, they get ignored.The
is the PHP 5.3+ supercedor over the\DirectoryIterator
. Both are part of the PHP SPL. While PHP 5.2 made it possible to turn the built in SPL extension off (below 1% of all installs did that), the SPL now is part of PHP core.<?php namespace Theme; $files = new \FilesystemIterator( __DIR__.'/src', \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS ); foreach ( $files as $file ) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ ! $files->isDir() and include $files->getRealPath(); }
Previously while I still supported PHP 5.2.x, I used the following solution: A
in thesrc/Filters
directory to only retrieve files (and not dot pointers of folders) and a\DirectoryIterator
to do the looping and loading.namespace Theme; use Theme\Filters\IncludesFilter; $files = new IncludesFilter( new \DirectoryIterator( __DIR__.'/src' ) ); foreach ( $files as $file ) { include_once $files->current()->getRealPath(); }
was as easy as that:<?php namespace Theme\Filters; class IncludesFilter extends \FilterIterator { public function accept() { return ! $this->current()->isDot() and $this->current()->isFile() and $this->current()->isReadable(); } }
Aside from PHP 5.2 being dead/EOL by now (and 5.3 as well), there's the fact that it's more code and one more file in the game, so there's no reason to go with the later and support PHP 5.2.x.
Summed up
EDIT The obviously correct way is to use
d code, prepared for PSR-4 autoloading by putting everything in the appropriate directory that already is defined via the namespace. Then just use Composer and acomposer.json
to manage your dependencies and let it auto-build your PHP autoloader (that imports automatically a file by just callinguse \<namespace>\ClassName
). That's the de-facto standard in the PHP world, the easiest way to go and even more pre-automated and simplified by WP Starter. -
- 2012-10-04
Mipiace usare unafunzioneperi file all'interno di una cartella. Questo approccio semplifica l'aggiunta dinuovefunzionalità quando si aggiungononuovifile. Ma scrivo semprein classe o con spazi deinomi: dagli unmaggiore controllo sullo spazio deinomi difunzioni,metodoecc.
Di seguito unpiccoloesempio; utilizzabile anche con l'accordo sulla classe * .php
funzionepubblica __construct () { $this- > load_classes (); } /** * Restituisce anche una serie difunzionalità * Esamina la sottocartella deiplugin "/classes" * * @ dalla 0.1 * @return void */ funzioneprotetta load_classes () { //caricatuttii file con la classepattern - *.php dalla directory classes foreach (glob (dirname (__FILE__). '/classes/class-*.php') as $ class) require_once $ class; }
In Temi uso spesso un altro scenario. Definisco lafunzione delfileexternelin un ID supporto,vedi l'esempio. Ciò è utile se disattiveròfacilmente lafunzionalità delfileesterno. Uso lafunzioneprincipale di WP
require_if_theme_supports ()
e carica solo se l'ID supportoera attivo. Nell'esempio seguente ho definito questo ID supportatonella rigaprima di caricareilfile./** * Aggiunta del supportoper Theme Customizer * * @ dal 09/06/2012 */ add_theme_support ('documentation_customizer',array ('all')); //Includeilpersonalizzatore deltemaper le opzioni delle opzioni deltema,seiltema è supportato require_if_theme_supports ( "documentation_customizer", get_template_directory (). "/inc/theme-customize.php" ); Puoi vederepiù di questonel repo di questotema .
I like to use a function to the files inside a folder. This approach makes it easy to add new features when adding new files. But I write always in class or with namespaces - give it more control about the Namespace of functions, method etc.
Below a small example; ut also useage with the agreement about the class*.php
public function __construct() { $this->load_classes(); } /** * Returns array of features, also * Scans the plugins subfolder "/classes" * * @since 0.1 * @return void */ protected function load_classes() { // load all files with the pattern class-*.php from the directory classes foreach( glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/classes/class-*.php' ) as $class ) require_once $class; }
In Themes I use often a other scenario. I define the function of the externel file in a support ID, see the example. That is usefull if I will easy deactivate the feture of the externel file. I use the WP core function
and he load only, if the support ID was active. In the follow example I deifned this supported ID in the line before load the file./** * Add support for Theme Customizer * * @since 09/06/2012 */ add_theme_support( 'documentation_customizer', array( 'all' ) ); // Include the theme customizer for options of theme options, if theme supported require_if_theme_supports( 'documentation_customizer', get_template_directory() . '/inc/theme-customize.php' );
You can see more of this in the repo of this theme.
- 2010-09-06
in termini di scomposizione,nellamiapiastra della caldaia utilizzo unafunzionepersonalizzataper cercare una cartella chiamatafunctionsnella directory deltema,senon è lì la crea. Quindi crea un array dituttii file .php chetrovain quella cartella (sepresenti)edesegue uninclude (); su ciascuno diessi.
In questomodo,ogni volta che devo scrivere qualchenuovafunzionalità,aggiungo semplicemente unfile PHP alla cartella dellefunzionie non devopreoccuparmi di codificarlonel sito.
<?php /* FUNCTIONS for automatically including php documents from the functions folder. */ //if running on php4, make a scandir functions if (!function_exists('scandir')) { function scandir($directory, $sorting_order = 0) { $dh = opendir($directory); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } if ($sorting_order == 0) { sort($files); } else { rsort($files); } return ($files); } } /* * this function returns the path to the funtions folder. * If the folder does not exist, it creates it. */ function get_function_directory_extension($template_url = FALSE) { //get template url if not passed if (!$template_url)$template_url = get_bloginfo('template_directory'); //replace slashes with dashes for explode $template_url_no_slash = str_replace('/', '.', $template_url); //create array from URL $template_url_array = explode('.', $template_url_no_slash); //--splice array //Calculate offset(we only need the last three levels) //We need to do this to get the proper directory, not the one passed by the server, as scandir doesn't work when aliases get involved. $offset = count($template_url_array) - 3; //splice array, only keeping back to the root WP install folder (where wp-config.php lives, where the front end runs from) $template_url_array = array_splice($template_url_array, $offset, 3); //put back togther as string $template_url_return_string = implode('/', $template_url_array); fb::log($template_url_return_string, 'Template'); //firephp //creates current working directory with template extention and functions directory //if admin, change out of admin folder before storing working dir, then change back again. if (is_admin()) { $admin_directory = getcwd(); chdir(".."); $current_working_directory = getcwd(); chdir($admin_directory); } else { $current_working_directory = getcwd(); } fb::log($current_working_directory, 'Directory'); //firephp //alternate method is chdir method doesn't work on your server (some windows servers might not like it) //if (is_admin()) $current_working_directory = str_replace('/wp-admin','',$current_working_directory); $function_folder = $current_working_directory . '/' . $template_url_return_string . '/functions'; if (!is_dir($function_folder)) mkdir($function_folder); //make folder, if it doesn't already exist (lazy, but useful....ish) //return path return $function_folder; } //removed array elements that do not have extension .php function only_php_files($scan_dir_list = false) { if (!$scan_dir_list || !is_array($scan_dir_list)) return false; //if element not given, or not array, return out of function. foreach ($scan_dir_list as $key => $value) { if (!strpos($value, '.php')) { unset($scan_dir_list[$key]); } } return $scan_dir_list; } //runs the functions to create function folder, select it, //scan it, filter only PHP docs then include them in functions add_action('wp_head', fetch_php_docs_from_functions_folder(), 1); function fetch_php_docs_from_functions_folder() { //get function directory $functions_dir = get_function_directory_extension(); //scan directory, and strip non-php docs $all_php_docs = only_php_files(scandir($functions_dir)); //include php docs if (is_array($all_php_docs)) { foreach ($all_php_docs as $include) { include($functions_dir . '/' . $include); } } }
in terms of breaking it up, in my boiler plate I use a custom function to look for a folder called functions in the theme directory, if it is not there it creates it. Then is creates an array of all the .php files it finds in that folder (if any) and runs an include(); on each of them.
That way, each time I need to write some new functionality, I just add a PHP file to the functions folder, and don't have to worry about coding it into the site.
<?php /* FUNCTIONS for automatically including php documents from the functions folder. */ //if running on php4, make a scandir functions if (!function_exists('scandir')) { function scandir($directory, $sorting_order = 0) { $dh = opendir($directory); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } if ($sorting_order == 0) { sort($files); } else { rsort($files); } return ($files); } } /* * this function returns the path to the funtions folder. * If the folder does not exist, it creates it. */ function get_function_directory_extension($template_url = FALSE) { //get template url if not passed if (!$template_url)$template_url = get_bloginfo('template_directory'); //replace slashes with dashes for explode $template_url_no_slash = str_replace('/', '.', $template_url); //create array from URL $template_url_array = explode('.', $template_url_no_slash); //--splice array //Calculate offset(we only need the last three levels) //We need to do this to get the proper directory, not the one passed by the server, as scandir doesn't work when aliases get involved. $offset = count($template_url_array) - 3; //splice array, only keeping back to the root WP install folder (where wp-config.php lives, where the front end runs from) $template_url_array = array_splice($template_url_array, $offset, 3); //put back togther as string $template_url_return_string = implode('/', $template_url_array); fb::log($template_url_return_string, 'Template'); //firephp //creates current working directory with template extention and functions directory //if admin, change out of admin folder before storing working dir, then change back again. if (is_admin()) { $admin_directory = getcwd(); chdir(".."); $current_working_directory = getcwd(); chdir($admin_directory); } else { $current_working_directory = getcwd(); } fb::log($current_working_directory, 'Directory'); //firephp //alternate method is chdir method doesn't work on your server (some windows servers might not like it) //if (is_admin()) $current_working_directory = str_replace('/wp-admin','',$current_working_directory); $function_folder = $current_working_directory . '/' . $template_url_return_string . '/functions'; if (!is_dir($function_folder)) mkdir($function_folder); //make folder, if it doesn't already exist (lazy, but useful....ish) //return path return $function_folder; } //removed array elements that do not have extension .php function only_php_files($scan_dir_list = false) { if (!$scan_dir_list || !is_array($scan_dir_list)) return false; //if element not given, or not array, return out of function. foreach ($scan_dir_list as $key => $value) { if (!strpos($value, '.php')) { unset($scan_dir_list[$key]); } } return $scan_dir_list; } //runs the functions to create function folder, select it, //scan it, filter only PHP docs then include them in functions add_action('wp_head', fetch_php_docs_from_functions_folder(), 1); function fetch_php_docs_from_functions_folder() { //get function directory $functions_dir = get_function_directory_extension(); //scan directory, and strip non-php docs $all_php_docs = only_php_files(scandir($functions_dir)); //include php docs if (is_array($all_php_docs)) { foreach ($all_php_docs as $include) { include($functions_dir . '/' . $include); } } }
* @mildfuzz *:beltrucco.Personalmentenon lo usereiperil codice diproduzioneperchéfaper ogni caricamento dipagina quello chepotremmofacilmentefare una volta quando lanciamoil sito.Inoltre,aggiungereiin qualchemodoper ometterei file,comenon caricarenulla cheinizi con un carattere di sottolineaturain modo dapoter ancoramemorizzarei lavoriin corsonella directory deltema.Altrimenti,carino!*@mildfuzz*: Nice trick. I personally wouldn't use it for production code because it does for every page load what we could easily do once when we launch the site. Also, I'd add in some way to omit files, like not loading anything starting with an underscore so I could still store works in progress in the theme directory. Otherwise, nice!
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- 2010-09-06
- MikeSchinkel
amo l'ideama sono d'accordo che questopotrebbeportare a un caricamentononnecessarioper ogni richiesta.Qualcheidea se cifosse unmodo semplicepergenerare automaticamenteilfilefunctions.phpfinalenella cache con qualchetipo di aggiornamento se/quando vengono aggiuntinuovifile oin unintervallo ditempo specifico?love the idea but I agree this might possibly lead to unnecessary loading for each request. Any idea if there would be a simple way to have the final functions.php file being generated automatically cached with some type of update if/when new files are added or at a specific time interval?
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- 2010-09-07
Bellomaporta a rigidità,anche cosa succede se un attaccante riesce ainserireilproprio codice lì dentro?E se l'ordine degliinclude èimportante?Nice but it leads to inflexibilities, also what happens if an attacker manages to drop their code in there? And what if the ordering of includes is important?
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- 2010-09-07
- Tom J Nowell
@MikeSchinkel Chiamo semplicementei mieifile di lavorofoo._php,quindi rilascia _php quando voglio che vengaeseguito.@MikeSchinkel I just call my working files foo._php, then drop the _php when I want it to run.
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- 2010-09-10
- Mild Fuzz
@NetConstructor: Sareiinteressato a qualche soluzioneper.@NetConstructor: Would be interested in some sollution too.
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- 2011-02-01
- kaiser
@kaiser,suppongo chepotrestifarlo congli script cron cheeseguono unafunzione cheesegue la ricercanella cartella soprama scrivei risultatiin un DB/file ditesto,quindibasai carichi su quellafunzione.Questopotrebbepotenzialmenteportare a lavoriincompiuti anchenel carico.@kaiser, I suppose you could do it with cron scripts running a function that run's the above folder search but writes the results to a DB/textfile, then bases the loads on that function. This could potentially lead to unfinished work going into the load also.
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- 2011-02-01
- Mild Fuzz
@MildFuzz: Mikemi ha appenaindicato l'API deitransitori.Forse questopotrebbefarparte di una sorta di soluzione ...@MildFuzz: Mike just pointed me at the transients API. Maybe that could get part of some sort of sollution...
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- 2011-02-01
- kaiser
inbase alla soluzione delineata da @mildfuzz,quale ritenete siailmetodomiglioreperescludere automaticamente qualsiasifile o cartella (ei suoi sottofile/cartelle) dall'inclusionenel suo approccio diinclusione automatica?Ilmiopensiero sarebbe quello di utilizzare l'approccio di sottolineatura comeprefisso.Quale codice appropriato sarebbe l'approcciomiglioreperincluderetali capacità?based on the solution outlined by @mildfuzz - what do you guys believe to be the best method to automatically exclude any file or folder (and its subfiles/folders) from being included within his auto-include approach? My thought would be to use the underscore approach as a prefix. What proper code would be the best approach to include such capabilities?
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- 2012-10-10
devi solo cambiare `if (! strpos ($ value,'.php'))`perincludere qualunque sistematu just need to change `if (!strpos($value, '.php'))` to include whatever system you choose.
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- 2012-10-10
- Mild Fuzz
- 2012-10-04
Gestisco un sito con circa 50tipi dipaginapersonalizzati univociin lingue diverse server su un'installazione di rete. Insieme atantissimiplugin.
A un certopunto siamo stati costretti a divideretutto. Unfile difunzioni con 20-30k righe di codicenon è affatto divertente.
Abbiamo deciso di completareil refactoring dituttoil codicepergestiremeglio labase di codice. La struttura deltemapredefinita di wordpress èbuonaperi sitipiccoli,manonperi sitipiùgrandi.
Ilnostronuovofunctions.php contiene solo ciò che ènecessarioper avviareil sito,manulla che appartiene a unapagina specifica.
Il layout deltema che utilizziamo ora è simile almodello diprogettazione MCV,main uno stile di codificaprocedurale.
Adesempio lanostra paginamembri:
page-member.php . Responsabile dell'inizializzazione dellapagina. Chiamare lefunzioni ajax corrette o simili. Potrebbeessereequivalente allaparte Controllernello stile MCV.
functions-member.php . Contienetutte lefunzioni relative a questapagina. Questo è ancheinclusoin altrepagine che richiedonofunzioniperi nostrimembri.
content-member.php . Preparai datiper HTML Potrebbeessereequivalente almodelloin MCV.
layout-member.php . Laparte HTML.
Dopo aver apportato questemodifiche,iltempo di sviluppo èfacilmente diminuito del 50%e orailproprietario delprodotto ha difficoltà afornircinuove attività. :)
I manage a site with about 50 unique custom page types in serveral different languages over a network installation. Along with a TON of plugins.
We where forced to split it all up at some point. A functions file with 20-30k lines of code is not funny at all.
We decided to completley refactor all code in order to manage the codebase better. The default wordpress theme structure is good for small sites, but not for bigger sites.
Our new functions.php only contains what is necessary to start the site, but nothing which belongs to a specific page.
The theme layout we use now is similar to the MCV design pattern, but in a procedural coding style.
For example our member page:
page-member.php. Responsible for initializing the page. Calling the correct ajax functions or similar. Could be equivialent to the Controller part in the MCV style.
functions-member.php. Contains all functions related to this page. This is also included in serveral other pages which need functions for our members.
content-member.php. Prepares the data for HTML Could be equivialent to the Model in MCV.
layout-member.php. The HTML part.
Efter we did these changes the development time have easily dropped by 50% and now the product owner have trouble giving us new tasks. :)
Per renderlopiù utile,potresti considerare dimostrare comefunziona davvero questopattern MVC.To make this more helpful you might consider showing how this MVC pattern really works.
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- 2012-10-05
- kaiser
Sarei anche desideroso di vedere unesempio deltuo approccio,preferibilmente con alcuni dettagli/varie situazioni.L'approccio sembramoltointeressante.Hai confrontatoil carico/leprestazioni del server con lametodologia standard utilizzata da altri?fornire unesempio di GitHub,sepossibile.i would also be currious to see an example of your approach, preferably with some details/various situations. The approach sounds very interresting. Have you compared server load/performance with the standard methodology others use? do provide a github example if at all possible.
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- 2012-10-10
- 2013-10-20
Dalfilefunctions.php deitemi figlio:
require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/inc/custom.php' );
From child themes functions.php file:
require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/inc/custom.php' );
- 2012-10-04
Infunctions.php,unmodopiùeleganteper chiamare unfile richiesto sarebbe:
require_once locate_template ('/inc/functions/shortcodes.php');
In functions.php, a more elegant way to call a required file would be:
require_once locate_template('/inc/functions/shortcodes.php');
[`locate_template ()`] ( ha unterzoparametro ...[`locate_template()`]( has a third parameter …
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- 2012-10-04
- fuxia
- 2018-08-19
Ho combinato @kaiser e @mikeschinkel .
Hotutte lemie personalizzazioniperilmiotemain una cartella
e all'interno di quella cartella hotutto suddivisoin sottocartelle.Voglio soloincludere
e i suoi contenuti secondari quandotrue === is_admin()
Se una cartella vieneesclusain
,le sue sottodirectorynon verrannoiterate (opassate aiterator_check_traversal_callback
)/** * Require all customizations under /includes */ $includes_import_root = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator( __DIR__ . '/includes', \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS ); function iterator_check_traversal_callback( $current, $key, $iterator ) { $file_name = $current->getFilename(); // Only include *.php files if ( ! $current->isDir() ) { return preg_match( '/^.+\.php$/i', $file_name ); } // Don't include the /includes/admin folder when on the public site return 'admin' === $file_name ? is_admin() : true; } $iterator_filter = new \RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator( $includes_import_root, 'iterator_check_traversal_callback' ); foreach ( new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( $iterator_filter ) as $file ) { include $file->getRealPath(); }
I combined @kaiser's and @mikeschinkel's answers.
I have all my customizations to my theme in a
folder and within that folder I have everything broken out into sub folders.I only want
and its sub-contents to be included whentrue === is_admin()
If a folder is excluded in
by returningfalse
then its sub-directories will not be iterated (or passed toiterator_check_traversal_callback
)/** * Require all customizations under /includes */ $includes_import_root = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator( __DIR__ . '/includes', \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS ); function iterator_check_traversal_callback( $current, $key, $iterator ) { $file_name = $current->getFilename(); // Only include *.php files if ( ! $current->isDir() ) { return preg_match( '/^.+\.php$/i', $file_name ); } // Don't include the /includes/admin folder when on the public site return 'admin' === $file_name ? is_admin() : true; } $iterator_filter = new \RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator( $includes_import_root, 'iterator_check_traversal_callback' ); foreach ( new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( $iterator_filter ) as $file ) { include $file->getRealPath(); }
Piùpersonalizzo su WordPress,più comincio apensare se dovrei organizzare questofile o suddividerlo.
Più specificamente,se ho un sacco difunzionipersonalizzate che si applicano solo all'area di amministrazionee altre che si applicano solo almio sito Webpubblico,c'è qualchemotivoperincluderetutte lefunzioni di amministrazionenelpropriofile o raggrupparleinsieme?
Suddividendoliin file separati o raggruppandoliinsieme,sipotrebbe velocizzare un sito Web WordPress oppure WordPress/PHP salta automaticamente lefunzioni che hanno unprefisso di codiceis_admin?
Qual èilmodomigliorepergestire unfile difunzioni digrandi dimensioni (ilmio è lungo 1370 righe).