get_results utilizzando wpdb
Prova a racchiudere `$ wpdb-> wp_posts` conparentesigraffe,ades.`{$ wpdb-> wp_posts}` ..Try wrapping `$wpdb->wp_posts` with curly braces, ie. `{$wpdb->wp_posts}`..
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- 2013-08-19
- t31os
4 risposta
- voti
- 2013-08-19
global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'page' " ); foreach ( $result as $page ) { echo $page->ID.'<br/>'; echo $page->post_title.'<br/>'; }
global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results ( " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'page' " ); foreach ( $result as $page ) { echo $page->ID.'<br/>'; echo $page->post_title.'<br/>'; }
ciao @balamurugan,hoprovato latua rispostama continuo anon ottenere alcun risultato.puoi vedere lamiaparte [MODIFICA] sopra.hi @balamurugan, i tried your answer but im still not getting any results. you can see my [EDIT] part above.
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- 2013-08-19
- user1933824
in realtà quello che stai ottenendoe che rimuovi ... dalmio codice.l'hotestatoe ho ottenutotuttigli ID dellapaginaactually what u r getting and do u remove ... from my code. i tested it and getting all page id
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- 2013-08-19
- Balas
Sto usando lamiaparte [modifica] come visto soprailmiopost originale. hoprovato "echo $ result" soloper assicurarmi che stia recuperandoi dati dalla "query" quello che ottengo èprint "Array".quando uso `echo $page-> ID`non ottengonulla.Non sono davvero sicuro delperché using my [edit] part as seen above my original post. i tried `echo $result` just to make sure that im retrieving data from the `query` what i get is print `Array`. when i use `echo $page->ID` i dont get anything. im really not sure why..
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- 2013-08-19
- user1933824
devi semplicemente copiaree incollare completamenteil codice.Ètutto dafareper ottenereil just simply copy & paste that code completely. That's all to do to get the result.
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- 2013-08-19
- Balas
sì,hafunzionato!quandoprovo a rivedereilmio codicee iltuo,l'unica differenza che ho visto è questaparte `$tablename=$ wpdb->prefix.'posts ';` questapartenoneranella documentazione del codice.puoi spiegarmiperchéfunziona?yes, it worked! when i try to review my code and yours, the only difference i saw is this part `$tablename = $wpdb->prefix.'posts';` this part wasnt in the codex documentation. can you explain to me why it works?
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- 2013-08-19
- user1933824
$ wpdb->prefix=wp_ (comenelprefisso dellatabella del database) che sarà come wp_postsnel database.infuturopuoi dareiltuonome comeprefisso.inmodo chenoninfluenzi questotipo di codice.Eprova a usarlo semprein questomodo.$wpdb->prefix = wp_ ( as in database table prefix) which will be as wp_posts in database. in future u can give yourname as prefix. so that it will not affect this kind of code. And try always use this way.
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- 2013-08-19
- Balas
- 2013-08-19
Hai un leggeromalinteso:
Quando si chiama
,si ottiene unelenco diproprietà che contengonoi nomiprincipali delletabelle:// The custom prefix from wp-config.php // only needed for custom tables $wpdb->prefix // Tables where you don't need a prefix: built in ones: $wpdb->posts $wpdb->postmeta $wpdb->users
Quindi latua queryfinale sarebbe simile a questa:
$wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'page'" );
You have a slight misunderstanding:
When calling
, you get a list of properties that contain the core names of the tables:// The custom prefix from wp-config.php // only needed for custom tables $wpdb->prefix // Tables where you don't need a prefix: built in ones: $wpdb->posts $wpdb->postmeta $wpdb->users
So your final query would look like this:
$wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = 'page'" );
+1per questo, dovevo dare credito allapersona chemi ha rispostoperprima,hagiàfornito la risposta corretta,noneroin grado di seguire le sueistruzioni.+1 for this, thank you. but i needed to give credit the person who responded to me first, he already provided the correct answer, i was just wasnt able to follow his instruction.
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- 2013-08-19
- user1933824
Sicuro.Nota amargine: come ho detto,il "$ wpdb->prefix"non dovrebbeessere usatoper letabelleintegrate.Chiamali direttamente.Risolto anche questo è la sua risposta.Sure. Sidenote: As I stated, the `$wpdb->prefix` shouldn't be used for built-in tables. Just call them directly. Fixed this is his answer as well.
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- 2013-08-19
- kaiser
- 2014-07-16
Provail seguente codice.Ho affrontatoilproblema similee l'ho risolto rimuovendo $ wpdb dal campo "FROM".
global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results ( " SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'page' " ); echo $result; // display data
Try the following code. I faced the similar problem and solved it by removing $wpdb from 'FROM' field.
global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_results ( " SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'page' " ); echo $result; // display data
- 2013-08-19
Con "array vuoto"intendi un 'array vuoto' o è l'output 'ARRAY'.Se è quest'ultimo,allora,è l'output atteso.Ènecessarioeseguireil ciclo ditalematricee visualizzarei risultati di conseguenza.
By "blank Array" do you mean an 'empty array' or is the output 'ARRAY'. If it's the latter then, it is the expected output. You need to loop through that array and display results accordingly.
Sto cercando di recuperareinformazioni sulmio database.Volevo visualizzaretutte le
utilizzando questaistruzione,ma ricevo unARRAY
MODIFICA : dopo avermodificatoi seguenti suggerimenti,ora lo sto ancoranon ottengo alcun risultato: