Come si configura un nodo tezos tramite riga di comando su Ubuntu?
2 risposta
- voti
- 2019-11-15
Ecco leistruzionipassopasso aggiornate su come creare unnodo Tezos (nuovainstallazione di Ubuntu)
diventa superutente
sudo su
aggiornail sistema
sudo su sudo apt update & amp; & amp; sudo apt upgrade -y
installa curl
sudo apt-getinstall curl
dì sì atuttii prompt
installa docker
sudo aptinstall sudo systemctl avvia docker sudo systemctl abilita docker
installa docker compose
sudo curl -L " https://github .com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose- $ (uname -s) - $ (uname -m) "-o/usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod + x/usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo ln -s/usr/local/bin/docker-compose/usr/bin/docker-compose sudo apt-get docker-compose
rispondi sì atuttii prompt
scarica lo script alphanet
wget chmod +
./ start
(per aggiornareilnodoin un secondomomento,digita :) ./ riavvio
./ update_script
crea da sorgenti
tutta una riga
sudo aptinstall -y rsyncgit m4build-essentialpatch unzipbubblewrap wgetpkg-config libgmp-dev libev-dev libhidapi-dev che wget x86_64-linux
sudo cp opam-2.0.3-x86_64-linux/usr/local/bin/opam sudo chmod a + x/usr/local/bin/opam git clone cdtezos mainnet digit checkout
digita "sì"peril comando opaminit
opaminit --bare makebuild-deps ##nota:ilprocesso 7 richiedemoltotempo eval $ (opamenv) rendere export PATH=~/tezos: $ PATH source ./src/bin_client/ esporta TEZOS_CLIENT_UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISCLAIMER=Y
sudo aptinstall -yjq
installa opam
creabuild-deps makebuild-dev-deps ## richiede unpo 'ditempo eval $ (opamenv) fare
genera l'IDnodotezos ## setezosnon è statoinstallatoin/home/~,fai una ricercapertezos
cd/home/"nome utente"/tezos/
scarica l'istantanea delnodo (tifa risparmiare ore)
curl -s | jq -r ".assets []| select (.name)| .browser_download_url"| grepfull| xargs wget -q --show-progress
scopriilnome delfile
decomprimereilfile (funziona solo con questo comando,altrimentiil file verrà danneggiato)
unxz "nome delfile"
rinominailfile,prendendonota delnumero diblocco,lo userai di seguito (farlotramite Gui vabene)
crea l'identità delnodotezos,per la variabile --block,usailnumero diblocco che sitrova su
importa l'istantanea
./tezos-node snapshotimportmainnet.full --block "exampleblockBMetLX2em7Q2tbAxcuPbUQNEY4NhRDEZtJCQeoFvWnYwDzb5qGU"
termina l'app originale utilizzando leporte
sudo kill -9 $ (sudo lsof -t -i: 8732)
./tezos-node run --rpc-addr
nota usail comando lsof seilfile èbloccatoe poi killallperfermareilprocesso,o sbloccailfile rmilfile diblocconelpercorso
attendi cheilnodo si sincronizzi (guarda l'avanzamento con questo comando
Haifinito !!!
Here are the updated step-by-step instructions on how to build a Tezos node(fresh Ubuntu install)
become superuser
sudo su
update system
sudo su sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
install curl
sudo apt-get install curl
say yes to all prompts
install docker
sudo apt install sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker
install docker compose
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose sudo apt-get docker-compose
reply yes to all prompts
download the alphanet script
wget -O chmod +x
start mainnet
./ start
(to update node later type:) ./ restart
update mainnet
./ update_script
build from sources
all one line
sudo apt install -y rsync git m4 build-essential patch unzip bubblewrap wget pkg-config libgmp-dev libev-dev libhidapi-dev which wget
sudo cp opam-2.0.3-x86_64-linux /usr/local/bin/opam sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/opam git clone cd tezos git checkout mainnet
type "yes" for opam init command
opam init --bare make build-deps ## note: process 7 takes a long time eval $(opam env) make export PATH=~/tezos:$PATH source ./src/bin_client/ export TEZOS_CLIENT_UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISCLAIMER=Y
install jp
sudo apt install -y jq
install opam
make build-deps make build-dev-deps ##takes a while eval $(opam env) make
generate tezos node ID ## if the tezos wasn't installed in /home/~, do a search for tezos
cd /home/'username'/tezos/
download node snapshot(saves you hours)
curl -s | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name) | .browser_download_url" | grep full | xargs wget -q --show-progress
find out the name of the file
ls /
unzip the file(only works with this command, otherwise file will be corrupted)
unxz "name of file"
rename the file, taking note of the block number, you will use it below(do this via Gui is fine)
create the tezos node identity, for the --block variable, use the block number located on the
./tezos-node identity generate
import the snapshot
./tezos-node snapshot import mainnet.full --block "exampleblockBMetLX2em7Q2tbAxcuPbUQNEY4NhRDEZtJCQeoFvWnYwDzb5qGU"
kill original app using the ports
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:8732)
start the node
./tezos-node run --rpc-addr
note use lsof command if file is locked and then killall to stop the process, or unlock the file by rm the lock file in the path
wait for node to sync(watch progress with this command
./tezos-client bootstrapped
Your finished!!!
Questo è copiato da,il che vabene,mati prego di dare credito allafonte.Epreferibilmente correggii CRLF.This is copied over from, which is fine, but pls give credit to the source. And preferably fix the CRLFs.
- 1
- 2019-12-03
- Gaia
- 0
- 2019-12-04
- Mack Baise
- 2020-05-25
Tezster-CLI è lo strumentoperfettoper rispondere allatua domanda.Configurerài nodi locali sultuo sistemain semplicipassaggi.
Prerequisito: Devi averinstallato dockere nodejs sultuo sistema.
Perinstallare dockereseguireil seguente comando: (su ubuntu)
sudo aptinstall sudogroupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $ USER finestramobilenewgrp
sudonpm install -gtezster @ latest --unsafe-perm=true Configurazione deinodi locali:
Avviae arrestai nodi locali:
tezster start-nodes tezster stop-nodes
Utilizza la Tezster-CLI Guide per saperne dipiù sull'utilizzo ditezster.
Tezster-CLI is the perfect tool to answer for your query. It will setup local nodes on your system in easy steps.
Prerequisite: You must have installed docker and nodejs on your system.
To install docker run the following command: (on ubuntu)
sudo apt install sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER newgrp docker
Install tezster-cli package:
sudo npm install -g tezster@latest --unsafe-perm=true
Setup local nodes:
tezster setup
Start and stop local nodes:
tezster start-nodes tezster stop-nodes
Use Tezster-CLI Guide to learn more about tezster usage.
Mi chiedo se qualcunomi può dare dall'inizio allafine su comefarlo su Ubuntu,lapagina Tezos Gitlab èmolto obsoleta.