config.json come definire la rete?
1 risposta
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- 2019-07-31
Non èpossibileimpostare la rete nelfile
.La rete èin qualchemodo hard-coded su ogni ramo (
) come ogninetwork vienefornito con le sue costanti specifichee unbloccogenesis (che sostanzialmente definisce l'identificatore di rete). Ilfileconfig.json
mira a configurareil comportamento di unnodo (porta rpc,numero di connessioni,modalità cronologia,...)indipendentemente dalla rete con cuiinteragisce.It is not possible to set the network in the
file.The network is somehow hard-coded on each branch (
) as each network comes with its specific constants and a genesis block (which basically defines the network identifier). Theconfig.json
file aims to configure the behavior of a node (rpc port, number of connections, history mode, …) regardless of the network it interacts with.-
Potrestiindicarmi unafonte,come realizzare,cosa vogliofare?Ilmioproblema è che ho unnodomainnet compilatoe ogni volta che voglio avviareilnodo alphanet (cdnella directory alphanet)inizia a sincronizzare lamainnetinvece di alphanet.Could you point me to a source, how to realize, what i want to do? My problem is, i've an compiled mainnet node and everytime i want to start the alphanet node (cd into the alphanet dir) it starts to sync the mainnet instead the alphanet.
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- 2019-07-31
- Blindripper
Innanzitutto,pereseguire su reti diverse,devieseguire diversibinari.(Questonon è lo stesso `tezos-node`prodotto damakenel ramogit" alphanet "e"mainnet "del repositorygitlab.) Quindipereseguire unnodo alphanet,devifareil checkoute compilarei binari da alphanetramo. Secondo,"peerbootstrap"i peer a cuiti colleghiper laprima volta quando avvii unnodonon sonogli stessi sumainnete alphanet,ovviamente,quindi se specifichimanualmentepeerbootstrapneltuo config.json,non devi usare la stessa configurazione.jsonper avviare "alphanet" -tezos-nodee "mainnet" -tezos-node ...First, To run on different networks, you have to run different binaries. (This is not the same `tezos-node` that is produced by make in the git branch "alphanet" and "mainnet" of the gitlab repo.) So to run an alphanet node, you have to checkout and compile binaries from the alphanet branch. Second, "bootstrap peers" the peers you first connect to when you launch a node aren't the same on mainnet and alphanet of course, so if you specify by hand bootstrap peers in your config.json, you mustn' use the same config.json to launch "alphanet"-tezos-node and "mainnet"-tezos-node...
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- 2019-07-31
- Pierre Boutillier
Personalmente uso unafunzionalità digit chiamata `worktree`.Ti consente dieffettuareil checkout di un ramoin una determinata directory.Avrai una cartellaper ogni ramo che desideri.Quindi,devi soloeseguireilpull/make/runin ogni directory.Se vuoieseguirepiùnodi sulla stessamacchina,non dimenticare di specificareporte differenti,siaperp2p cheper rpc `listen_addr`,e` data-dir`.I personally use a git feature called `worktree`. It allows you to checkout a branch in a given directory. You will have one folder for each branch you want. Then, you just need to pull/make/run in each directory. If you want to run several nodes on the same machine, do not forget to specify different ports, for both p2p and rpc `listen_addr`, and `data-dir`.
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- 2019-07-31
- vect0r
Hofatto un checkoute compilatoil ramo alphanete mainnet,inoltrenon hoimpostato alcunpeerbootstrapperentrambi.Entrambii rami sitrovanoin cartelle diverse.Manon capiscoperché ./tezos-node run (nella directory alphanet)inizia a sincronizzare lamainnet.Forse l'ascolto_addr èilproblema ... loproveròe darà unfeedback.grazie ragazzi.I've done a checkout and compiled the alphanet and mainnet branch, i also haven't set any bootstrap peers for both. Both branches are in different folders. But i don't get why ./tezos-node run (in the alphanet dir) starts to sync the mainnet. Maybe the listen_addr is the problem... will try it and give feedback. thx guys.
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- 2019-07-31
- Blindripper
@ vect0rmi ha aiutato atrovareilproblema.`gitbranch`mi ha dato` * alphanet`ma `git log`puntava al ramo`mainnet`. `git reset --hard origin/alphanet`e`make` hanno risoltoilproblema.@vect0r helped me to find the problem. `git branch`gave me `*alphanet`but `git log`pointed to the `mainnet` branch. `git reset --hard origin/alphanet`and `make`solved the problem.
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- 2019-07-31
- Blindripper
Voglioeseguire diversinodi su unamacchina.Comeposso definire la rete (